yesterday, after a long day at school having classes and meetings, lionel and i went to the jap rest. where i used to work for dinner.
before i went to uni, i was working as a waitress at shinryoku yakitori restaurant at purvis street. i haven't been back there for like 3 years i think. yup. basically i had 2 lady bosses and one of their husband. but, when i went back, the boss that i was closer to was in france! argh. so i said hi to the other 2.. but although they sorta recognized me, they din rem my name.. sigh. cant blame old people! haha. kidding. can't blame them cuz i only worked for like 2 mths at the most. and i haven't been keeping in touch.. haha.
but the food was great! had garlic fried rice, paper pot seafood soup, prawns with bacon and mint leaf, grilled onions, lamb chops and green tea ice cream! it was all so yummilicious! and after that, we went to liang seah street for some ah chew dessert... YUM-MY!! i had a great meal yesterday.. that's cuz i din do well for my FIIM mid-term. (even though i really studied for it).. so lionel wanted to cheer me up.. sigh.. i hate these tests.. make me feel stupid all the time! argh. i shall have to work harder. yikes. oh well. i din take pictures though. heh..
eh char! must go back with me to find shirleen soon ya. she'll be back on 17 april i think..
btw.. go watch freedom writers! i think it's a great show... really touching. my top was wet when i left the cinema... haha.. yup.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
X-physique 2007. Xtreme, Xciting, Xperience it.
yesterday, thanx to my 2 very good friends namely Meng Heng and Kenneth Fang, i was running around town during crazy stunts. at 10.30 am on a sunday, i met 3 other team mates, of all whom i do not know!! got to wear an over-sized free tee-shirt, which was not the usual big tees u get but the length was right, just that the sleeves were all over the place. anyway, at 12, we were flagged off from youth park to a series of "unfortunate events".... so here's what happened:
this was at youth park.. bright and early on a sunday morning. the stage was still clear.. and we were the 2nd batch to be flagged off yesterday. the 'open' category started at 8am (i think)..

at 11+.. just a little after 1130 i think, we saw the first team from the 'open' category running towards the finishing line.. damn cool la.. they all looked damn shagged.. but happy and really relieved. at least that would be how i felt. since i joined this competitor because ken fang and meng decided to pull out, i did not really know or bother them with my countless questions. so i did not know what this team would win.. although later in the race, i heard the 2nd place gets $2500 worth of prizes / vouchers.. which is a whole load more than NVM ever gave!! unfair. but oh well. this is more expensive. haha. $30 to join, phew ken says they pay for me! haha. yay!! free (ugly but still free!) tee-shirt and goodie bag!! <-- typical singaporean. heh. proud to be.
this is the team yesterday.. from left to right.. me!, yishun (? that's how they called him. and i asked julia if it was the place and she said yes.. so i assume the spelling is the same. heh.), hewbert (have not idea how to spell too.. haha.), and julia. yishun and julia and 2 years younger than me. odac juniors. hewbert is 3 yrs older.. he looks like derrick eh.. haha. maybe not here. but sometimes.

i almost forgot the most impt part of the story. before our race, we were already DISQUALIFIED. how encouraging.
1. did not know any of them.
2. i was damn busy.. i have no idea why i said ok to help them do this.
3. on sun itself they told me i was 'illegal' becuz we're registered under a NTU team.
4. then they say yishun is standing in for some guy called felix who is also an odac junior and he (for some whatever reason, totally not impt and irresponsible reason) decide to pull out at the very last min.
5. felix is indonesian who makes his ic number damn long. so poor yishun screwed it up. the pple registering us suspected, asked him for his full name, hall number, and his bday. he did not know his birth date! and that's when they said we were disqualified.
if we wanted to run, we could, but we're a 3 member team and will be unranked even if we are damn fast so we couldn't win. and yishun was allowed to run with us but now do any thing else. so anyway, we decided to go on for fun.
so after flag off, we had to run from youth park to marina bay mrt which was the first station of the day.. honestly at first, i tot they were kidding cuz i din know there was such a thing as marina bay mrt.. of cuz i went there to eat steamboat before la. not so sua ku.. just that i dun take train often enough to rem how i got there.. and my gosh.. it's damn farrrrrr... and like nearing havelock road, i was tired from not training and being old, i started walking.. haha. which became the pace for the rest of the race. heh.. i mean come on! the sun was all out to get us.. and i din have lunch.. and i din train and we wont win and running is just so not fun. haha. so many excuses eh. ok so at marina bay, when we finally get there, we were told to cycle 3 rounds round the whole of marina bay area. ok! cycling was pretty relaxing. heh.
station 2: after cycling, we made our way to another part of singapore i totally had not seen before in my life.. some pond at marina bay area? seeing the people in the pond was not too exciting. we had to do some river crossing.. basically get wet and dirty..
wearing the lifejackets made us dirty already. haha.. the only thing consoling abt the water was that it was a little more refreshing than the sun..
i had some fun.. couldn't stop laughing cuz we had to do it backwards and the lifejacket is working so well i was floating so much!! haha..
this pond is like full of rotting logs inside... really damn gross.. the water was grey and my white socks turned greyish black.. and the white tee-shirt we were wearing were greyish too..
making our way to our next station... on the sheares bridge... julia told me that there was one year , they made participants jump off the bridge.. it was pretty pretty high.. yishun, our cameraman, water-provider, map-reader and bag-carrier, checking out the next stop..
station 3: kayaking. when we first looked down from the bridge, the route looks quite long.. i never told it would be 5km! the longest i have to paddle.. considering i dun really enjoy kayaking cuz i'm quite lousy at it.. haha. after getting my one-star, i stopped kayaking. haha. this shall be a challenge.. poor hewbert had to kayak a double-kayak be himself.. but he was still faster than me and julia. haha.

that's us! dun we look like we know where we were going and we're quite synchronized? heh. the truth is we were zig-zagging alot.. and i blame the wind. heh! (if there's no one to blame, blame mother nature!!) btw, i'm in the pink lifejacket. heh.

station 4: after kayaking a horrendously long 5km, my arms nearly broke. haha. kidding. it was tiring but bearable. we went on to some lame game station.. had to transport this 125kg load from one end to another. hewbert pulled and me n julia took turns to switch the rollers.. and at the end, we had to turn the thing 180 degrees before removing all the rollers underneath. dun ask me why.. i think this is damn lame.

station 5: last and most interesting part of the race. abseiling at shaw towers. 6 storeys off the car park. i haven abseiled since i got out of jc.. that's 4 years now? we spent almost 2 hours just waiting at this station. by this time, the first few teams would have won and collected their prizes and are on their way home. haha. but we just wanted to try.. it's not always that u get to abseil down a building in town..!! looked pretty high huh.. see how small the people below areeee..

u have to sit on the ledge before u get into the abseil position. i was thinking what if the guy slips at this point? of cuz he wunt die cuz he has his safety rope already. but still.. i think he'll scream. aha.
when it finally got to our turn, it was already 6 pm.. julia was the first to abseil down.. look how small she is. she is comparable to teresa! haha..
then it was my turn... (for some reason, this photo appears sideways.. it's a bug!! ) anyway, this guy who hooked us up was apparently the 'boss' so i felt safer with him than any other student helper.. haha. check out his tattoos man..and the gloves look like the gloves they use at the birdpark for the eagle show. haha! i'm thankful for that.. otherwise will definitely get rope-burn!!
the boss was telling me: i'll be waiting for u upstairs.. looks and points to the sky.. great.
from this picture onwards, u will see clearly the many expressions and feelings i had before i started abseiling. haha. first picture: i just got off the ledge, was standing on a thin log.. not really a log.. but a branch like thing against the wall.. happy but hesitant.

picture 2: huh? so i must go down now? u sure? checks with the 'boss'.
picture 3: checks to see if the person belaying was there.. and also to check out the height. haha.
picture 4: i really dun wanna do this!! what did i get myself into??? so here goes.. bye~~
picture 5: ok.. so i'm off.. this is not so bad.. and i could still hear the 'boss' and my team mates.. and i hope that if i fall, hong chang would catch me!! haha.. if not, jem is there too! haha.
this is not a good picture! haha. my legs were straighter than that after this la.. haha. otherwise i would have scratched my knees against the wall.
lastly, mr 'derrick' abseiled down and we were off to youth park to finish the race.. at last.. it was funny cuz he had such a small harnest, his ass was like bursting out when we looked up from below..

yay! we made it to the end.. took a picture, collected our goodie bags and headed off to different directions. i went on to wash up and waited for hong chang and jem liew for dinner!
it has been a super long day.. hong chang was at his station (abseiling area - shaw towers) at like 5:40AM till we ended at 7+pm.. jem was there before 6am too.. and did not sleep the night before because of his own doing - mahjong.. and i was tired from being under the sun, in the water, kayaking, cycling, walking, jogging, waiting to abseil and abseiling.. it was a long day.. and after dinner while having coffee, jem fell asleep. haha.
overall, it was quite a nice experience. given a 2nd choice, i might still reconsider joining it.. it was really fun doing all the stunts but also really exhausting. my body is aching now.. and my face is all burnt. but! it beats studying.. haha. oh well. back to my pricing hw. yikes. :)
this was at youth park.. bright and early on a sunday morning. the stage was still clear.. and we were the 2nd batch to be flagged off yesterday. the 'open' category started at 8am (i think)..
at 11+.. just a little after 1130 i think, we saw the first team from the 'open' category running towards the finishing line.. damn cool la.. they all looked damn shagged.. but happy and really relieved. at least that would be how i felt. since i joined this competitor because ken fang and meng decided to pull out, i did not really know or bother them with my countless questions. so i did not know what this team would win.. although later in the race, i heard the 2nd place gets $2500 worth of prizes / vouchers.. which is a whole load more than NVM ever gave!! unfair. but oh well. this is more expensive. haha. $30 to join, phew ken says they pay for me! haha. yay!! free (ugly but still free!) tee-shirt and goodie bag!! <-- typical singaporean. heh. proud to be.
this is the team yesterday.. from left to right.. me!, yishun (? that's how they called him. and i asked julia if it was the place and she said yes.. so i assume the spelling is the same. heh.), hewbert (have not idea how to spell too.. haha.), and julia. yishun and julia and 2 years younger than me. odac juniors. hewbert is 3 yrs older.. he looks like derrick eh.. haha. maybe not here. but sometimes.
i almost forgot the most impt part of the story. before our race, we were already DISQUALIFIED. how encouraging.
1. did not know any of them.
2. i was damn busy.. i have no idea why i said ok to help them do this.
3. on sun itself they told me i was 'illegal' becuz we're registered under a NTU team.
4. then they say yishun is standing in for some guy called felix who is also an odac junior and he (for some whatever reason, totally not impt and irresponsible reason) decide to pull out at the very last min.
5. felix is indonesian who makes his ic number damn long. so poor yishun screwed it up. the pple registering us suspected, asked him for his full name, hall number, and his bday. he did not know his birth date! and that's when they said we were disqualified.
if we wanted to run, we could, but we're a 3 member team and will be unranked even if we are damn fast so we couldn't win. and yishun was allowed to run with us but now do any thing else. so anyway, we decided to go on for fun.
so after flag off, we had to run from youth park to marina bay mrt which was the first station of the day.. honestly at first, i tot they were kidding cuz i din know there was such a thing as marina bay mrt.. of cuz i went there to eat steamboat before la. not so sua ku.. just that i dun take train often enough to rem how i got there.. and my gosh.. it's damn farrrrrr... and like nearing havelock road, i was tired from not training and being old, i started walking.. haha. which became the pace for the rest of the race. heh.. i mean come on! the sun was all out to get us.. and i din have lunch.. and i din train and we wont win and running is just so not fun. haha. so many excuses eh. ok so at marina bay, when we finally get there, we were told to cycle 3 rounds round the whole of marina bay area. ok! cycling was pretty relaxing. heh.
station 2: after cycling, we made our way to another part of singapore i totally had not seen before in my life.. some pond at marina bay area? seeing the people in the pond was not too exciting. we had to do some river crossing.. basically get wet and dirty..
wearing the lifejackets made us dirty already. haha.. the only thing consoling abt the water was that it was a little more refreshing than the sun..
i had some fun.. couldn't stop laughing cuz we had to do it backwards and the lifejacket is working so well i was floating so much!! haha..
this pond is like full of rotting logs inside... really damn gross.. the water was grey and my white socks turned greyish black.. and the white tee-shirt we were wearing were greyish too..
making our way to our next station... on the sheares bridge... julia told me that there was one year , they made participants jump off the bridge.. it was pretty pretty high.. yishun, our cameraman, water-provider, map-reader and bag-carrier, checking out the next stop..
station 3: kayaking. when we first looked down from the bridge, the route looks quite long.. i never told it would be 5km! the longest i have to paddle.. considering i dun really enjoy kayaking cuz i'm quite lousy at it.. haha. after getting my one-star, i stopped kayaking. haha. this shall be a challenge.. poor hewbert had to kayak a double-kayak be himself.. but he was still faster than me and julia. haha.
that's us! dun we look like we know where we were going and we're quite synchronized? heh. the truth is we were zig-zagging alot.. and i blame the wind. heh! (if there's no one to blame, blame mother nature!!) btw, i'm in the pink lifejacket. heh.
station 4: after kayaking a horrendously long 5km, my arms nearly broke. haha. kidding. it was tiring but bearable. we went on to some lame game station.. had to transport this 125kg load from one end to another. hewbert pulled and me n julia took turns to switch the rollers.. and at the end, we had to turn the thing 180 degrees before removing all the rollers underneath. dun ask me why.. i think this is damn lame.
station 5: last and most interesting part of the race. abseiling at shaw towers. 6 storeys off the car park. i haven abseiled since i got out of jc.. that's 4 years now? we spent almost 2 hours just waiting at this station. by this time, the first few teams would have won and collected their prizes and are on their way home. haha. but we just wanted to try.. it's not always that u get to abseil down a building in town..!! looked pretty high huh.. see how small the people below areeee..
u have to sit on the ledge before u get into the abseil position. i was thinking what if the guy slips at this point? of cuz he wunt die cuz he has his safety rope already. but still.. i think he'll scream. aha.
when it finally got to our turn, it was already 6 pm.. julia was the first to abseil down.. look how small she is. she is comparable to teresa! haha..
then it was my turn... (for some reason, this photo appears sideways.. it's a bug!! ) anyway, this guy who hooked us up was apparently the 'boss' so i felt safer with him than any other student helper.. haha. check out his tattoos man..and the gloves look like the gloves they use at the birdpark for the eagle show. haha! i'm thankful for that.. otherwise will definitely get rope-burn!!
the boss was telling me: i'll be waiting for u upstairs.. looks and points to the sky.. great.
from this picture onwards, u will see clearly the many expressions and feelings i had before i started abseiling. haha. first picture: i just got off the ledge, was standing on a thin log.. not really a log.. but a branch like thing against the wall.. happy but hesitant.
picture 2: huh? so i must go down now? u sure? checks with the 'boss'.
picture 3: checks to see if the person belaying was there.. and also to check out the height. haha.
picture 4: i really dun wanna do this!! what did i get myself into??? so here goes.. bye~~
picture 5: ok.. so i'm off.. this is not so bad.. and i could still hear the 'boss' and my team mates.. and i hope that if i fall, hong chang would catch me!! haha.. if not, jem is there too! haha.
this is not a good picture! haha. my legs were straighter than that after this la.. haha. otherwise i would have scratched my knees against the wall.
lastly, mr 'derrick' abseiled down and we were off to youth park to finish the race.. at last.. it was funny cuz he had such a small harnest, his ass was like bursting out when we looked up from below..
yay! we made it to the end.. took a picture, collected our goodie bags and headed off to different directions. i went on to wash up and waited for hong chang and jem liew for dinner!
it has been a super long day.. hong chang was at his station (abseiling area - shaw towers) at like 5:40AM till we ended at 7+pm.. jem was there before 6am too.. and did not sleep the night before because of his own doing - mahjong.. and i was tired from being under the sun, in the water, kayaking, cycling, walking, jogging, waiting to abseil and abseiling.. it was a long day.. and after dinner while having coffee, jem fell asleep. haha.
overall, it was quite a nice experience. given a 2nd choice, i might still reconsider joining it.. it was really fun doing all the stunts but also really exhausting. my body is aching now.. and my face is all burnt. but! it beats studying.. haha. oh well. back to my pricing hw. yikes. :)
Friday, March 09, 2007
adobe photoshop 101
attended a photoshop workshop held in school with lionel today. actually he wanted to go and i was just being nice, so i accompanied him. actually i must admit, it was not too bad. although i was seriously dead tired, i wasn't falling asleep at all. and managed to learn some stuff la. haha. although everything is very basic still. at least when i open photoshop now, i know what i can do. haha.. anyway, so here's the edited and unedited photo..
actually it's not obvious which is the photo-shoped one and which is not huh. haha. guess.
(*photo taken in end 2005. in australia. we've all grown up now. if u cant recognize, it's me in green, my sis and my bro.)

ok. the 2nd photo is the photo-shoped one. it's cropped, and sharpened. and errr there's another layer.. and i erased some clouds. haha.
actually it's not obvious which is the photo-shoped one and which is not huh. haha. guess.
(*photo taken in end 2005. in australia. we've all grown up now. if u cant recognize, it's me in green, my sis and my bro.)

ok. the 2nd photo is the photo-shoped one. it's cropped, and sharpened. and errr there's another layer.. and i erased some clouds. haha.
Friday, March 02, 2007
on monday, i was studying with lionel in school for our pricing mid-term.. after awhile, we got a little bored and decided to draw a 'time line' purely to record each hour that passed.. so he suggested drawing a snake.
drawn by lionel. version 1. (dun ask me what the thing is... he said it was the snake's beard.. err.. i think it's double chin and facial hair.. but then again, snakes dun have hair.. do they? haha..)

drawn by me. lionel says it looks like a monk.. or a little bald boy.. haha. cuz it has a neck and the head is so round. hmm. fine. it is not perfect. but i still think it's nicer than his! :p

lionel's. version 2. he redrew his after seeing mine.. said the head should not be round.. and there's this extra flap thing on the head which i have no idea what it is. and the eye is bulging and the nose part is flat. haha.. looks like a monster..

lionel's. version 3. and so he redrew again. i think this is the best out of the 3 he drew. of cuz mine is the best out of the 4. haa.
a look at our board at the end of the day.. besides all the drawing which wasn't alot of time wasted, i would say it was a rather productive studying day.. i managed to cover my stuff and still had my bit of fun! :)

sigh. tmr is my last mid-term. i cant wait. cuz even CNY break, i din get to rest cuz at the back of my mind, i knew i had mid-terms.. tmr is the last of all of the horror.. (of cuz there's still projects to do.. ) but ahh.. i shall take a break tmr after my paper! plus tmr is animal day in school... :):)
drawn by lionel. version 1. (dun ask me what the thing is... he said it was the snake's beard.. err.. i think it's double chin and facial hair.. but then again, snakes dun have hair.. do they? haha..)

drawn by me. lionel says it looks like a monk.. or a little bald boy.. haha. cuz it has a neck and the head is so round. hmm. fine. it is not perfect. but i still think it's nicer than his! :p

lionel's. version 2. he redrew his after seeing mine.. said the head should not be round.. and there's this extra flap thing on the head which i have no idea what it is. and the eye is bulging and the nose part is flat. haha.. looks like a monster..

lionel's. version 3. and so he redrew again. i think this is the best out of the 3 he drew. of cuz mine is the best out of the 4. haa.

a look at our board at the end of the day.. besides all the drawing which wasn't alot of time wasted, i would say it was a rather productive studying day.. i managed to cover my stuff and still had my bit of fun! :)

sigh. tmr is my last mid-term. i cant wait. cuz even CNY break, i din get to rest cuz at the back of my mind, i knew i had mid-terms.. tmr is the last of all of the horror.. (of cuz there's still projects to do.. ) but ahh.. i shall take a break tmr after my paper! plus tmr is animal day in school... :):)
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