anyway, been watching "one litre of tears" - japanese serial. think some of u might know cuz i think they showed on channel 8 or something. anyway, i think it's a really good show. and what makes it really sad n touching is that it's based on a true story. when i watched the show, i cried my eyes out.. and the girls din allow me to sleep right away cuz they say my eyes will be really puffy the next day at work so we had to talk.. haha.. which was really nice. with some of the taiwanese.. yup. now. i'm almost done with the show. could have finish watching it yesterday but karen's laptop hibernated when the show was at its last few minutes. what a pain. haha. :p so till now, i haven gotten the chance to watch the ending.
so. after watching the show, i'm inspired to keep a diary. i think it's really cool. and not something to show off.. but i think it will help me be a little more disciplined. at least with one thing in my life. heh. what crap.
and not that i am hinting anything to anyone (even lionel) but i think i wanna get myself a dog if i can afford it when i get back. maybe for my 21st bday. i really really would want a dog. but i think it would be a really big responsibility and i must know i can afford all the food and the medical stuff and all. and now, my priority would be pheebe. so i must know i can keep both happy n well-fed and all. hmm.. and i guess other things that i am thinking about would be to buy myself a keyboard n pherhaps pick up piano lessons n all. my mom used to make us take piano lessons and since i've been so lazy all my life, i hated it. and so i quit without even taking grade one or anything. so yup. and now, i kinda wished i had continued. it would be nice. hmm.. or i think i will get a digital camera. one that belongs to me only. then i can take pictures all the time!!.. and i really wanna learn horseback riding. it would be nice..

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