the other time i managed to squeeze in an entry, i was in such a rush.. and i had so many things i wanna tell the world. but now that i have time, i dunno what to write. haha.
hmm.. i guess i can talk abit abt my life here:
every week, i have different schedules. basically, i'm scheduled to work like 60 hrs a week with one day off. and last week, alot of pple were sent home alot cuz the park was not busy.. but this week, the park operates from 10am to 10pm.. and there are alot more pple coming to the park cuz it's getting warmer and the hols are almost here. so it's damn busy now.. i worked for 8 hrs yest. and 10 hours today. will have to work for 13 hrs tmr. it's crazy...
oh. and i work at the fryers. like i will fry chicken fingers, fries, make hambrgers, double burgers, cheeseburgers, double cheese, chicken sandwich.. heee.. and sometimes i have to do cash register too.. but i dun really like that. cuz when pple dun get their food fast, they will make alot of noise. heee..
oh oh!! and i went to niagara falls on thurs!! it's damn nice. but i wished it was sunnier. it's supposed to be a rainbow maker. hee.. but we din manage to see any.. so sad. but the falls are amazing!! but i dun have photos now.. so haha! ok la. this entry is damn boring. i shall stop all this nonsense.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
hello hello.. i'm alive!!
i know i haven been updating my blog at all.. hee. oopsy. i have reasons k.
1. the park closes late sometimes n i have to work till park close most of the time. and the rec center (it's at the dorm.. and it's the nearest place i can use internet around here)
2. it has been raining for one week+++ so it's really cold to work to the rec center!! really really cold.. and i'm so so silly. i only brought one jacket to the US la.. i'm gonna die from the cold.. the wind is horribly strong!!!
3. the connection here SUCKS!! haha..
ok.. anyway, i'm gonna put up as many photos as i can for now.. i haven been taking alot of photos too.. so yup.. i'm really lazy to type so much.. but i'm really fine here.. except i keep eating!! and guess what? i'm almost 50!! i know.. i'm damn shocked too.. but oh well.. i blame the cold. haha..
ok.. this is my apartment.. there's like 5 rooms altogether.. and 2 toilets... i stay at room B.. hee..
my rooooooom!!!!! haha.. isn't it pretty n oh-so-cosy? haha.. i have the flower tooo!! bought from meijers.. (a supermart.. like wal-mart).. heee.. nice right? haha.. but i'm jus kidding. it's not my room.. haha..
this is my room. haha.. i know it's messy! but it's not my fault. haha. i have all my things n i dun have any proper shelves to put all of my things!! argh.. haha.. so yup.. this is where i get my beauty sleep.. i love my bed.. see shrek.. he accompanies me.. yipeeee..
this is the kitchen place.. heee.. eugene usually cooks for us.. hee. i'll post a picture of him later.. if i have time. haha.. but so sad, he's leaving to work at california instead.. sooooon. boohooo.. yup. the thai girls ( i live with 4 toher singaporeans n 10 thais girls) usually dun wash their dishes till they need to use it.. haha. so it's really messy.. and they can be really really nosiy.. they are like shouting n all till 1 or 2 am everymorning.. argh. but i'm getting used to it.. plus they are really friendly la.. so i'm ok.. hee..
sometimes we cook pancakes.. hee.. nice right?
had baileys the other night... the one in white is eugene the cook.. hee.. the one in yellow is obviously lionel la.. if u dun recognize him.. haha.. we are fatter now..
this is where i hang out at night.. witht eh singaporean girls... hee.. i usually watch some taiwan show before i sleep.. heee.. how interesting right. but every night i'm like so tired after work. so i jus eat, watch show then sleep.. oh ya.. of cuz i'll shower la. haha..
ok.. this is me now. in my uniform.. i know i know.. i look like a vietnam boy..haha.. but usually, the uniform is short sleeved.. but i'm wearign the cedarpoint sweatshirt cuz it's really cold when the wind blows.. seriously cold la......... i know it looks sunny but it's usually not warm.. hee.. the background is my room.. heee.. yup. ok.. i'm runnign out of time.. got to type faster!!! ahhh...
this was taken jus now.. like one our ago.. haha. at the park.. nice right? so sunny! and we are all wearing diff coloured sweatshirts.. heee... we are all working at skyride... i'll talk abt that some other time.
that's us eating cotton candy.. one of the attractions at cedarpoint is the 25 cents cotton candy.. haha. but we are not allowed to eat along the way.. haha... oh wellllll...
had a day off the other day so i went to do some stuff.. haha.. it was a nice sunny day.. yip.
lionel is alwyas spoiling the photo..argh.
finally.. wal-mart!! but it's nothing much la.. i think i like target better. hee.. okok.. no time.
had real chinese foood.. and it was goooooooooood. but so not worth it for me cuz it's buffet and i can only eat one plate of rice n dishes..
this is outside toy 'r us.. ok... i gotta run for the bus to go to work now.. leave me more emails k!! thankew thankew.. take care everyone.. bye bye!!!! i love u allll.....
i miss my family so much.. n pheebe.. and my friends.. and the food... and the weather.. !! haha.. ok.. bye bye..
1. the park closes late sometimes n i have to work till park close most of the time. and the rec center (it's at the dorm.. and it's the nearest place i can use internet around here)
2. it has been raining for one week+++ so it's really cold to work to the rec center!! really really cold.. and i'm so so silly. i only brought one jacket to the US la.. i'm gonna die from the cold.. the wind is horribly strong!!!
3. the connection here SUCKS!! haha..
ok.. anyway, i'm gonna put up as many photos as i can for now.. i haven been taking alot of photos too.. so yup.. i'm really lazy to type so much.. but i'm really fine here.. except i keep eating!! and guess what? i'm almost 50!! i know.. i'm damn shocked too.. but oh well.. i blame the cold. haha..

i miss my family so much.. n pheebe.. and my friends.. and the food... and the weather.. !! haha.. ok.. bye bye..
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
los angeles - day 7 & 8
*for this post, day 8 is on top of day 7.. so i sugeest reading from day 7 then to day 8. but honestly speaking, it doesn't make a difference so yup. this is bullshit. haha.*
Day 8: went to hollywood boulevard again.
that's the hot dog n i! haha. actually it's lionel's hot dog la. i only wanted a bite. look at the hot dog carefully. he eats mustard, ketchup but i like it with ketchup n mayo. so the front bit where i'm supposed to bite, there's mayo n ketchup with no mustard for me! haha. cute right? ya i know. heh.
celine! this is for u! it's antonio banderas! haha.
seee the empty star shape in the tile? lionel n i are suspecting that someone is gonna get a star soooon. we waited for a while near this star cuz there were tv crew. but like no stars came so we left la. it's prob the pre-star event news. argh. oh well. 
that's me n the mann's chinese theatre. we went there to watch silent hill today. it was a pretty cool show. not sure whether they have it in singapore but it's a cool n rather violent show but the ending was not too good. so i din really like it. but the cinema was coool so wayang. heh. but the seats at the cinemas here are crap man. cuz they dun incline. like singapore's cinemas, the seat will lean backwards when u sit but not here man. the seats are spacious but stiff. gives me a headahce when i watch a movie.
so far, i watched scary movie 4 - which is funny but not worth the money. jus download it or something. and i watched united 93 - which made me puke 3 times during the show!! the movie was so shaky i cant take it man. argh. and the third movie i watched would be silent hill today. yupz.
this was our dinner. (in-and-out burger) it's cheeseburger meal, animal style. haha. ya. they jus put shit on ur fries. haha. it's pretty good la. they put some fressing n cheese n fried onions on the fries which is definitely better than plain fries. haha.
Day 7: universal studios.
this was taken before we went in to universal studios. it was another sun-shiny day. so i wore my shades (btw, i bought the pair of shades here in LA). *jie, i know u dun like black. i mean u prefer brown but i like this pair. dun u think it's not a bad pair? considering it's not expensive. heee.. * anyway ya. and i wore my new marilyn monroe tee-shirt. i bought it here too. i love it! cuz i think marilyn monroe's so pretty. it's in her eyes! oh! and if u click on the picture and see the enlarged version, u will see that i'm not smiling. and i look a little pissed but actually i'm not la. it's jus cuz i cant smile with that pair of shades cuz then my cheeks will press against the shades and my cheeks will look fat. haha. so yup.
one of the first things i saw inside universal studios was the madagascar lion. haha. i had to take a picture with him! heee. he looks so happy!!
and then there was spongebob!! he's so so cute. i flicked his nose. haha. but that was before the photo was taken so haha. the person inside is not very tall huh. haha. he's abt our height!!
look at shrek! he looks like lionel's friend!! and i have a small shrek in my arms! lionel won that for me! but i won another one after that so we exchanged for a bigger shrek! haha. shrek is so cute. i love him!.
and frankestein was freaky!! he put his hand on my neck. eeeks! and he's so so tall.. i almost din wana go so close to him.
this hollywood sign is damn nice huh. like real one huh. haha. it's jus a fake board behind us but it look so real. coooool.

oh.. we went for the universal studio tour. and at the back of me if the war of the worlds movie set. it's really damn freaky cuz they really took a boeing 747 (i think) and destroyed it for the movie. and u can really see the damage n all.. it's seriously scary cuz u know that might happen to anyone of us who flies. eeks. i'm scared. but ya i still smiled for the camera. what a camera whore. haha.
that's me n the apollo 13 pple. all they need is their helmet n all i need is mini shrek! heh. nvm. not funny. haha.
one of those photos that i take to entertain myseld cuz lionel was on the phone with kamil. heee. i like this photo. makes me laugh. shrek is alive!! haha. it's like in a bollywood movie where it's hiding behind the tree. hahahahahahaa. ok. not so funny too. i make bad photo jokes. heh.
Day 8: went to hollywood boulevard again.

that's me n the mann's chinese theatre. we went there to watch silent hill today. it was a pretty cool show. not sure whether they have it in singapore but it's a cool n rather violent show but the ending was not too good. so i din really like it. but the cinema was coool so wayang. heh. but the seats at the cinemas here are crap man. cuz they dun incline. like singapore's cinemas, the seat will lean backwards when u sit but not here man. the seats are spacious but stiff. gives me a headahce when i watch a movie.
so far, i watched scary movie 4 - which is funny but not worth the money. jus download it or something. and i watched united 93 - which made me puke 3 times during the show!! the movie was so shaky i cant take it man. argh. and the third movie i watched would be silent hill today. yupz.

Day 7: universal studios.

oh.. we went for the universal studio tour. and at the back of me if the war of the worlds movie set. it's really damn freaky cuz they really took a boeing 747 (i think) and destroyed it for the movie. and u can really see the damage n all.. it's seriously scary cuz u know that might happen to anyone of us who flies. eeks. i'm scared. but ya i still smiled for the camera. what a camera whore. haha.

Monday, May 01, 2006
LA - day 4, 5 & 6
*this entry was supposed to posted 2 nghts ago but there were some errors. so yup. it's a late post. and it's quite a long post cuz of the photos. so... have fun! haha. :p
Day 4: pretty much shopped at melros then went to meet kamil's friend - victoria. then we went to try sheesha (is that how u spell it?) anyway. ya. before that, went to rodeo drive n took lots of stupid photos. but i'm so lazy to upload them. i did day 5 n day 6 photos before this. so yup. enjoy those photos.. i dun think i'll upload day 4 photos. i'm really tired today. and getting a headache cuz i'm toooo sleepy. so good night pple.
Day 5: we went to visit celebrities' houses and went to santa monica pier.
apparently, this is paris hilton's house when she was staying with her fiance paris latsis. hmm.. doesn't seem like a very impressive house. hmmmm.. of cuz they're not staying there anymore.
this is halle berry's house. it is actually pretty huge. and it's nice n clean too! and there's security cameras. haha. and lionel actually got a response from halle berry when he shouted .. heee.. funny.
this is me at the back of the car, bored. haha. cuz it's a convertible or something? or jus a really weird car, i cant really hear them at the back. so i was entertaining myself once in awhile n popped my head to the front to hear what kamil n lionel were talking abt once in awhile too. haha.
this is leonardo's house. it's a damn damn nice view la. and can see he has like a swimming pool n all. argh. but it's under renovation too..
this is taken outside britney n ferderline's house. but they moved out already and it's not brittany murphy's house. i know we only took the gate but it's cuz the house was like under some renovation or something. and it was pretty high up the slope. so ya.
this is the gate leading to the loooooooooong driveway that leads in to madonna's huuuuuuuuge house. haha. so we couldn't see anything cuz the driveway was damn long. haha.
this is elvis presley's house. like the last house he stayed at in LA.. yup. it's a pretty pretty huge house.
and this is the front of elvis' house. that's me n kamil!
this is the highlight of my day!!.. we went to jennifer aniston n brad pitt's house.. like where they used to stay when they were together... and since the gate was so high, lionel tried to peek through the gates.. and he saw someone walking to the car so he handed me the camera (btw, our car was parked right in front of their gate!) and i was holding on to it. and i saw a car turn towards us n at first i only saw a male driver .. then i saw jennifer aniston!! her hair is sooooo soooo nice la. and she was wearing black. and she was like looking down alot cuz i think she thinks we're the paparazzi. haha. but oh man. my heart was beating so damn dast after that la. and i din manage to take a photo cuz i was star struck!! damn me. argh. i will never forgive myself!
i saw my first lemon tree. and got a first hollywood lemon. haha. i still have it with me at home!! it smells citrus.
this is taken at the apple store at santa monica. hee. lionel n his apples! argh.
this is taken on the famous ferris wheel at santa monica pier. it's a fast ferris wheel and it's sooooo pretty at night. and the wind n the night view. ahhhh.. it was amazing.
see. that's the ferris wheel we were on. it's not a big ferris wheel but it's a ncie ferris wheel. heee.
apparently, this is forrest gump's father's shop? or son's shop? i dunno. haha. but look at my shoes!! haha. damn cute huh.
Day 6:
this is the day we went to six flags. it's a theme park at LA. also known as the magic mountain. it's a really coooool place. heee. more stuff is up at lionel's blog. (like the videos and all i think)..
when we first got to six flags. we were all a little nervous but excited. and it was such a nice sunny day... it was actually feeling hot today. haha. luckily i wore spag tops! heee.
this is taken after our first ride - the X. according to kamil n friends, it's the scariest ride at six flags. like there were parts when we dropped down a really steep slope which was 215 feet high (which is , according to kamil, 20 storeys high ) and the worse thing is, we dropped down backwards!! haha. and there were parts where we were spinning in our seats. u really got to be there to experience it. really scary but fun. haha.
this was also after the first ride. hmm. jus of the view. like a tiny part of six flags.
this is the worst ride at the place. but it's over in like 10 secs at the most. it jus accelerates up and falls backwards.. haha. it's called the superman. and right at the top, there's a superman figurine. heee.
this was taken on the batman ride. we were not supposed to bring the camera with us but kamil was holding it throughout the ride. so we got the ride on video. haha.
this is a scary ride too.. cuz unlike most of the rides, it is the olden kind. and they dn have the "harness" thing.. they only have this pathetic bar thing to hold u in ur seat while u drop like 12 storeys n spin here n there. it was a pretty fast ride...!!
let me end off with this artistic photo taken by lionel. haha. i was jus sitting by the fountain at six flags. and it looked like it's snowing! haha. cool huh. anyway. ya.
i think in total, we took 8 rollercoaster rides today. it was a fun day n a sunny day (thank god). how coool. we conquered six flags. hahaaa.. ok. be sure to check out lionel's blog. not sure when he'll put up videos though. but shld be sooooon!!
Day 4: pretty much shopped at melros then went to meet kamil's friend - victoria. then we went to try sheesha (is that how u spell it?) anyway. ya. before that, went to rodeo drive n took lots of stupid photos. but i'm so lazy to upload them. i did day 5 n day 6 photos before this. so yup. enjoy those photos.. i dun think i'll upload day 4 photos. i'm really tired today. and getting a headache cuz i'm toooo sleepy. so good night pple.
Day 5: we went to visit celebrities' houses and went to santa monica pier.

Day 6:
this is the day we went to six flags. it's a theme park at LA. also known as the magic mountain. it's a really coooool place. heee. more stuff is up at lionel's blog. (like the videos and all i think)..

i think in total, we took 8 rollercoaster rides today. it was a fun day n a sunny day (thank god). how coool. we conquered six flags. hahaaa.. ok. be sure to check out lionel's blog. not sure when he'll put up videos though. but shld be sooooon!!
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