i know i haven been updating my blog at all.. hee. oopsy. i have reasons k.
1. the park closes late sometimes n i have to work till park close most of the time. and the rec center (it's at the dorm.. and it's the nearest place i can use internet around here)
2. it has been raining for one week+++ so it's really cold to work to the rec center!! really really cold.. and i'm so so silly. i only brought one jacket to the US la.. i'm gonna die from the cold.. the wind is horribly strong!!!
3. the connection here SUCKS!! haha..
ok.. anyway, i'm gonna put up as many photos as i can for now.. i haven been taking alot of photos too.. so yup.. i'm really lazy to type so much.. but i'm really fine here.. except i keep eating!! and guess what? i'm almost 50!! i know.. i'm damn shocked too.. but oh well.. i blame the cold. haha..

ok.. this is my apartment.. there's like 5 rooms altogether.. and 2 toilets... i stay at room B.. hee..

my rooooooom!!!!! haha.. isn't it pretty n oh-so-cosy? haha.. i have the flower tooo!! bought from meijers.. (a supermart.. like wal-mart).. heee.. nice right? haha.. but i'm jus kidding. it's not my room.. haha..

this is my room. haha.. i know it's messy! but it's not my fault. haha. i have all my things n i dun have any proper shelves to put all of my things!! argh.. haha.. so yup.. this is where i get my beauty sleep.. i love my bed.. see shrek.. he accompanies me.. yipeeee..

this is the kitchen place.. heee.. eugene usually cooks for us.. hee. i'll post a picture of him later.. if i have time. haha.. but so sad, he's leaving to work at california instead.. sooooon. boohooo.. yup. the thai girls ( i live with 4 toher singaporeans n 10 thais girls) usually dun wash their dishes till they need to use it.. haha. so it's really messy.. and they can be really really nosiy.. they are like shouting n all till 1 or 2 am everymorning.. argh. but i'm getting used to it.. plus they are really friendly la.. so i'm ok.. hee..

sometimes we cook pancakes.. hee.. nice right?

had baileys the other night... the one in white is eugene the cook.. hee.. the one in yellow is obviously lionel la.. if u dun recognize him.. haha.. we are fatter now..

this is where i hang out at night.. witht eh singaporean girls... hee.. i usually watch some taiwan show before i sleep.. heee.. how interesting right. but every night i'm like so tired after work. so i jus eat, watch show then sleep.. oh ya.. of cuz i'll shower la. haha..

ok.. this is me now. in my uniform.. i know i know.. i look like a vietnam boy..haha.. but usually, the uniform is short sleeved.. but i'm wearign the cedarpoint sweatshirt cuz it's really cold when the wind blows.. seriously cold la......... i know it looks sunny but it's usually not warm.. hee.. the background is my room.. heee.. yup. ok.. i'm runnign out of time.. got to type faster!!! ahhh...

this was taken jus now.. like one our ago.. haha. at the park.. nice right? so sunny! and we are all wearing diff coloured sweatshirts.. heee... we are all working at skyride... i'll talk abt that some other time.

that's us eating cotton candy.. one of the attractions at cedarpoint is the 25 cents cotton candy.. haha. but we are not allowed to eat along the way.. haha... oh wellllll...

had a day off the other day so i went to do some stuff.. haha.. it was a nice sunny day.. yip.

lionel is alwyas spoiling the photo..argh.

finally.. wal-mart!! but it's nothing much la.. i think i like target better. hee.. okok.. no time.

had real chinese foood.. and it was goooooooooood. but so not worth it for me cuz it's buffet and i can only eat one plate of rice n dishes..

this is outside toy 'r us.. ok... i gotta run for the bus to go to work now.. leave me more emails k!! thankew thankew.. take care everyone.. bye bye!!!! i love u allll.....
i miss my family so much.. n pheebe.. and my friends.. and the food... and the weather.. !! haha.. ok.. bye bye..
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