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LA - day 4, 5 & 6
*this entry was supposed to posted 2 nghts ago but there were some errors. so yup. it's a late post. and it's quite a long post cuz of the photos. so... have fun! haha. :p
Day 4: pretty much shopped at melros then went to meet kamil's friend - victoria. then we went to try sheesha (is that how u spell it?) anyway. ya. before that, went to rodeo drive n took lots of stupid photos. but i'm so lazy to upload them. i did day 5 n day 6 photos before this. so yup. enjoy those photos.. i dun think i'll upload day 4 photos. i'm really tired today. and getting a headache cuz i'm toooo sleepy. so good night pple.
Day 5: we went to visit celebrities' houses and went to santa monica pier.
apparently, this is paris hilton's house when she was staying with her fiance paris latsis. hmm.. doesn't seem like a very impressive house. hmmmm.. of cuz they're not staying there anymore.
this is halle berry's house. it is actually pretty huge. and it's nice n clean too! and there's security cameras. haha. and lionel actually got a response from halle berry when he shouted .. heee.. funny.
this is me at the back of the car, bored. haha. cuz it's a convertible or something? or jus a really weird car, i cant really hear them at the back. so i was entertaining myself once in awhile n popped my head to the front to hear what kamil n lionel were talking abt once in awhile too. haha.
this is leonardo's house. it's a damn damn nice view la. and can see he has like a swimming pool n all. argh. but it's under renovation too..
this is taken outside britney n ferderline's house. but they moved out already and it's not brittany murphy's house. i know we only took the gate but it's cuz the house was like under some renovation or something. and it was pretty high up the slope. so ya.
this is the gate leading to the loooooooooong driveway that leads in to madonna's huuuuuuuuge house. haha. so we couldn't see anything cuz the driveway was damn long. haha.
this is elvis presley's house. like the last house he stayed at in LA.. yup. it's a pretty pretty huge house.
and this is the front of elvis' house. that's me n kamil!
this is the highlight of my day!!.. we went to jennifer aniston n brad pitt's house.. like where they used to stay when they were together... and since the gate was so high, lionel tried to peek through the gates.. and he saw someone walking to the car so he handed me the camera (btw, our car was parked right in front of their gate!) and i was holding on to it. and i saw a car turn towards us n at first i only saw a male driver .. then i saw jennifer aniston!! her hair is sooooo soooo nice la. and she was wearing black. and she was like looking down alot cuz i think she thinks we're the paparazzi. haha. but oh man. my heart was beating so damn dast after that la. and i din manage to take a photo cuz i was star struck!! damn me. argh. i will never forgive myself!
i saw my first lemon tree. and got a first hollywood lemon. haha. i still have it with me at home!! it smells citrus.
this is taken at the apple store at santa monica. hee. lionel n his apples! argh.
this is taken on the famous ferris wheel at santa monica pier. it's a fast ferris wheel and it's sooooo pretty at night. and the wind n the night view. ahhhh.. it was amazing.
see. that's the ferris wheel we were on. it's not a big ferris wheel but it's a ncie ferris wheel. heee.
apparently, this is forrest gump's father's shop? or son's shop? i dunno. haha. but look at my shoes!! haha. damn cute huh.
Day 6:
this is the day we went to six flags. it's a theme park at LA. also known as the magic mountain. it's a really coooool place. heee. more stuff is up at lionel's blog. (like the videos and all i think)..
when we first got to six flags. we were all a little nervous but excited. and it was such a nice sunny day... it was actually feeling hot today. haha. luckily i wore spag tops! heee.
this is taken after our first ride - the X. according to kamil n friends, it's the scariest ride at six flags. like there were parts when we dropped down a really steep slope which was 215 feet high (which is , according to kamil, 20 storeys high ) and the worse thing is, we dropped down backwards!! haha. and there were parts where we were spinning in our seats. u really got to be there to experience it. really scary but fun. haha.
this was also after the first ride. hmm. jus of the view. like a tiny part of six flags.
this is the worst ride at the place. but it's over in like 10 secs at the most. it jus accelerates up and falls backwards.. haha. it's called the superman. and right at the top, there's a superman figurine. heee.
this was taken on the batman ride. we were not supposed to bring the camera with us but kamil was holding it throughout the ride. so we got the ride on video. haha.
this is a scary ride too.. cuz unlike most of the rides, it is the olden kind. and they dn have the "harness" thing.. they only have this pathetic bar thing to hold u in ur seat while u drop like 12 storeys n spin here n there. it was a pretty fast ride...!!
let me end off with this artistic photo taken by lionel. haha. i was jus sitting by the fountain at six flags. and it looked like it's snowing! haha. cool huh. anyway. ya.
i think in total, we took 8 rollercoaster rides today. it was a fun day n a sunny day (thank god). how coool. we conquered six flags. hahaaa.. ok. be sure to check out lionel's blog. not sure when he'll put up videos though. but shld be sooooon!!
and we're here talking about escape theme park, damn it!
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