i've been working with a bunch of singaporeans n malaysians, some ang mohs, and one thai girl. now, the thai girl will be leaving in 2 week's time.. and she will be applying off as much as she can to go shop n all. i will miss her. she's been such a nice friend n working buddy. she stays above my dorm n will sometimes come over to my dorm to find the thai girls or sleepover. it's a pity she cant really speak english. but it's cool. i'm her translator. hee. i am feeling a little depressed cuz she is leaving. and it will be such a long time before i see her again if i even do. but she's so sweet. working with her has been a blast. haiz. i hate this kinda feeling. lke when u made a new good friend n it's time to part. and it has only going to be one short month that i know her.. before she leaves. argh. i wonder how depressed i will be feeling when i finally have to leave cedarpoint. i think i will try to cherish each horrible working day. heee...

that's a picture of her. she's in the marron coloured sweatshirt. eating cooton candy. heee.. her name is nokyoong btw. heee.. it means peacock in thai i think.

and just some happy photos that i took with lionel n eugene before eugene left too.. haiz..

ok. i have to upload the niagara photos some other time again cuz it's in lionel's room n it's locked so i cant access it. yup.
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