hmm.. as i take the employee bus home after work today, i tot abt work n all. and i tot to myself, it has been 6 weeks since i started working at cedarpoint. and i have another 6 weeks more. and i can already feel how much i will miss this place. and all my friends that i've made here n perhaps i will miss my supervisors the most. they have been so nice to us all!!
so far, i had 4 supervisors. i shall take photos of them when i can.. without them, i dun think i will enjoy my work as much. and i might have asked for a transfer (to another department).. or i might quit!! haha.. i dunno. there's this 2 singaporean girls (chun-li and angela) who worked for 2 weeks and quit. haha! i think it's such a waste that they din enjoy it here. i mean of cuz sometimes it sux and i curse the system.. but it's also so so much fun. like when i have my off days, and i go back to the park, i will definitely still visit them. haha.. so lame right. but ya.
anyway, it's so overdue.. but here are the niagara falls photos. enjoy...

this is the first sight of the falls. if i dun rem wrongly, i think it's called american falls. haha. okok. ya. but it was cold and wet!!! argh. but it's so amazing to see the falls.. it's huge!!

this is all of us. all of the singaporeans who went for the trip that day.. heee.. but the person who helped us take the photo did not take the background.. so it's a pity.. but oh well at least we got a group picture!

that's us again.. taking the maid of the mist boat ride.. so cool la.. the falls was jus beside us!

me n lionel. (duh).. haha.. i look silly in the raincoat.. but it was fun.

this was taken when we got to horse-shoe falls. it feels like it's raining damn heavily when we get inside and we were all wet n cold and we couldn't take photos...

but lionel managed to take one for me!! heee.. look how wet it is!! but it was fun.. and really really cold. esp when the win blew..

after the wet ride. heee.. stupid lionel is spoiling the photo again.. wiht his wet tissue.

look at the moss!! it has long hair la.. damn cute.. hee. imagine how long has it been there man!

under the falls. the falls is quite strong man.. a little painful.

the flowers are nice.. and ya. (ahhh.. the rec center is closing. so i only have 5 minutes left to use the internet!)

this is some other falls. but i cant rem the name. haha. it's pretty and the water is greenish.. but din manage to take a good picture of that.

we ended the day with this sunny picture. the sun finally came out as we were leaving so we ran to the falls to take another photo and catch one last glimpse of the falls. it was so cool. but it would have been better if it was a sunny day cuz then we would be able to catch alot of rainbows.. niagara falls is known as the rainbow maker afteralll... oh well. i believe that i will visit it again. maybe from the canada side. okok.. i gotta goooooo... gonna be chased out!!! eeks.
to everyone i know: i love n miss u guys!!!
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