When I got there, I was kinda nervous just thinking of meeting pple and my supervisor. And when I got there, it seems like my supervisor decided not to meet me that day. She took that day off cuz tues was labor day so that she can have a long weekend. Great. And she left me a list of 3 things to do for that day with someone else.
1. walk around the park
2. watch the animal shows and feeding sessions
3. visit the night safari and zoo websites
so while the rest of the interns were introduced to the office pple and all, I was pretty much alone.. really lonely.. and I realized that corp comms.. (I’m in the corp cmms department btw, which is under marketing.) had only 2 pple. Me and my supervisor! Great. So anyway, I was kinda relieved that my first day was not too bad la. Just walking ard, take my time n all. And lionel came to accompany me in the afternoon to watch some animal shows and went for dinner with me. So first day was pretty great.
Wed, my second day at work. It was also the day I really get to meet my supervisor. Was still nervous although she was the one who interviewed me. Because on the first day of work, I heard that the previous intern under her left me a message, wishing me good luck and all cuz my supervisor is a pretty hard woman to work under. Hmm.. so far, not too bad I guess.
Anyway, I guess I’m not used to it yet but everyone pretty much communicates over email. Even my supervisor when she wants me to do something, she would inform me via email.
Let’s take this for example:
The first email I got from her asking me to do stuff was that wed. she had this email from ochre pictures or something to come to the zoo to do some interview. She conveniently told them to contact me when they are at the entrance and forwarded me the mail. Wahhhh.. when I saw the mail. I was like “HUH?!?! Like that also can??” and my heart was racing like mad after that. Haha. But it turned out pretty fun. One of them was my friend from work n travel. Haha. Small world. And it was nice just listening to them interview the keepers. The keepers are all pretty friendly and really interesting. I cant help but wonder why I’m not doing their job but stuck in an office. I envy them. Sigh.. oh well.
Thursday and Friday was pretty ok too. Replied to the public’s feedbacks, brought more media pple ard, read magazines on the zoo. Yup.
Oh.. and anyway, meals are provided for staff.. but I haven been having a great appetite. So as usual, the interns I eat with, they’re like “no wonder u’re so skinny..” argh.. to everyone who said that or want to say that to me.. “NO it’s not cuz I dun eat much. I dun eat a lot during main meals cuz I eat way too much junk. I cant help that my dad is skinny that’s why I’m skinny. And NO, I’m not on a diet. I just get sick of food easily so I cant finish my food. I need variety. Arghhhh!!” haha.. chill ya chill. :p
hmm.. let's see..
mon: had sweet n sour fish, 2 kinds of veg and rice.
wed: mee rebus (that i totally dun eat.)
thurs: chicken chop, veg, butter rice
fri: nasi lemak.
not toooo bad for now i guess.. monday is chicken rice!!! whooopeee..
anyway, i know this is a long post. haha. haven been blogging laa. anyway, here are some photos. enjoy...
this was taken on the first day.. i usually sleep on the bus but i was way too excited to be sleeping. i managed to take this as the bus was turning in to the zoo. the sbs bus felt like a staff bus for the zoo cuz at that time, pretty much everyone going there were going to work. i was 40 mins early on the first day..
this is the corporate office. a look behind the wooden door which separates the public from the office. haha. it's pretty cool. everything is glass.. i think it's cuz of the open concept that they have. and outside of the office is like a pond thing with huge trees. nice huh..
this is my table, my computer, my phone . and if u look carefully, to the left, i have my junk food. haha! not alot la.. but sufficient for now. i keep bringing stuff in.
like i said, i was walking alone in the park on monday morning. so i can only take photos of myself. haha. i look cock-eyed man..
crocodile!!! eeks. it was really near man.. scary.. one of the animals that i'm scared of most is the crocodile. i cant stand them.. they freak me out.. and this one was really really near. i felt like i can drop in anytime man..
that's lionel with paul.. haha.. check out the nose man..
OTTERS!! managed to catch the otters feeding. cute!! they had this bucket full of fish and each took turns to take one out then swim away to enjoy.. and they'll swim back to get more..
baboooooons. check out this dude out. check out what he's doing. compare this picture with the one following it. heh. i took a video actually. but not gonna put it up.
on thurs, i brought someone to take photos of the polar bears. and i regretted not taking my camera with me. so on friday, someone else wanted to see the polar bears.. so i decided to take the camera with me. so while the professional was snapping away, i was too!! haha. of cuz the photographer was a little amused but i just smiled and carried on. haha! oooooops. oh well. interns can be forgiven. heh!
so anyway, inuka is the son of sheba, who is bigger than her. and he just went through moulting and his new fur is growing back so he is a little blackish..
inuka enjoying his fish!
so that's abt it for now i guess. :) one week down.. 13 more weeks to goooo~~~ yikes. haha! i wish it was a little shorter actually. but oh well.
PS: i dunno what's up with the underlining at the front of this post.. i cant seem to get rid of it.. argh.
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