You are HITTING.
Synopsis: Hitting could pertain to hitting yourself or hitting other (hard) objects to cause bruises or cuts. This can lead to serious injury, including breaking bones. After being angered or mistreated, you probably sit and stew in it for a while before actually injuring yourself.
Positive trait: You accept others for who they are
Negative trait: Low self-esteem
Color: Green
Emotion: Tolerance
Animal: Fox
Quote: Dont try to fix me, Im not broken.
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i better go get another insurance policy..haha
yours is not too assuring too.. urs is hair-pulling loooorrrr!! i dun wanna be bald! heee.. :) but i'll accept u for who u are. heee.. that's my positive trait. wah ha..
couples bickering? anyway i'm hitting TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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