the wedding dinner was great except i wasn't feeling well. had a real bad headache from lack of sleep and puked n all. haha. but other than that, the wedding speech was good, the place looked nice. (it was at 4 seasons hotel).. and the food was pretty good too.. and the company was good. heee. overall, i had a good time. hhaa.. (so many "good"s..)
so here's the happy couple. my cousin is the guy.. winston. and the pretty lady is su. :) su wore this pretty red gown for the wedding dinner. i tot she looked really good. shall put the photo up when i get it! haha.

this is winston n elmo (the family dog) at their wedding photo shoot. hee. elmo has a bow tie!! elmo looks like an old man.. hee. in fact, he is very old already. think 77 in dog years..

that's me, my cute little cousin.. rem jet? he has hair now. and it's curly. veyr cute. and he's wearing a tux. he had a coat and a bow tie but he din wanna wear it. and on the right is my dad.

that's my sister, my bro n me! the dress is my sister's (obviously..) and it's marc jacobs! apparently.. it is kinda expensive. haha..

that's me, joanne (the groom's sister), my sister and my other cousin.. pei xuan.. she's damn smart!!

current news on me:
think i'm falling sick. in class now. jus had 2 quizzes (international economics and corporate reporting) back-to-back. and a meeting half an hour after my corp class. great! my nose is stuffy n runny and my head weighs a ton n my eyes are teary.. someone kill me now!
other than these, i'm fine. shouldn't be blogging very much from now on cuz i will be having my first final paper on 27 nov. so yup.... will blog if anything interesting pops up.. but i dun antipate anything to.. so haha!
back to the class.. revenue recognition.. bleargh.