every CNY, we hafta wake up damn early everyday to visit every one of my uncle and aunty's place. so on chu er, we went to my fave. uncle's place. haha. i FINALLY got to see elle. the fat cat. he's damn funny! he was eating the leaves off the plant.. din know that cats eat leaves. haha. but he's also very very fierce. if he doesn't like u, he will bite / scratch u hard! anyway they have a dog too.. but i dun have a pic. heh!

after that, we went to some other place. haha.. dun really know who. but they have this really cute king charles(the dog)!! and they stay near NUS. haha.

the lo hei that i helped make. my first lo hei of the year.. with salmon fish! yum. but actually i dun really like lo hei cuz it's damn sweet. but was digging for the fish and eating the cracker... heee.

anyway, felt a little depressed today although i had fun. wonder how i managed to be happy and sad but i did. haiz.. i dunno why. i guess it's one of those times u just feel sad for no reason. hoping i'm not the only one experiencing this. HAIZ.. i hate this feeling. why must i feel sad when this is a perfectly happy day? i even got to see lionel!! haiz. but he's playing dota now and i dun really wanna talk to him abt this. i dun want him to hear abt me being sad now when he's having the time of his life. haha. i really hate this.....
BUT, tmr will be a better day... i have no class for tmr! weeeee~~
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