wooohoooo.. i
finally got myself (and pheebe) a new rabbit!! it's so so cute!

but i haven tot of a name for it. it's a male. sam says call it newbie. lionel says "heebe (to rhyme with pheebe and herbie) or spotsie or miffy or pherbe".. hmm.. i really have no idea.
pheebe and pherbe?
haiz. and another problem. now pheebe has to get use to the new rabbit. and rabbits aren't exactly the friendliest to new comers. sigh. i tried jus now and pheebe got so so excited. it was about to hump the new rabbit. hmmm..
Pherbe is nice...PICK PHERBE!!
haha! team pherbe versus team newbie. (macham like team aniston vs team jolie) heee...
ur new rabbit damn CUTE!!!
i vote pherbe. hahahah..
FURBY... -omg-
how about PHEEBO!!!! just like in FRIENDS!!! hurhur.
wat the hell is PHEEBO!?!?
Very cute!!! I wanna hug it!~
yarh... think pherbe is kinda cute :)
u don't rem the Friends episode where Ross and Rachel were deciding a name for the baby, then phoebe said, "if it's a girl, Phoebe, if it's a boy, PHOEBO!!!"
wah lau i thought u were a Friends FAN??! ask lam he wud noe.
haha. i rem that.. but i think pherbe is cute la. i think i will stick with it. yep.
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