Sunday, April 16, 2006

this is: extremely taxing on my little brain.

1. My ex is: in melbourne. (i think...)

2. Maybe I should: start stuffing myself with all the yummy food (esp yu sheng n tea eggs) here before i leave for US!!

3. I love: to cook n not have to wash. and of cuz i love pheebe, my family, my friends, lionel, sweets. i also love to talk rubbish (at times).

4. I don't understand: how the 4D works.

5. I lose: hair easily but it's all good cuz i have so much hair.

6. People say I'm: shy? (heh)

7. Love is: a strong feeling that i cant justify with words.

8. Somewhere, someone is: dying

9. I will always: try to collect all the one dollar coins so i can put them in my piggy bank.

10. Forever is: something that exists in la la land.

11. I never want to: see pheebe die.

12. I think the current US President: looks like a chimp.

13. When I wake up in the morning: i check my sms-es n grab a cuppa coffee as i feed pheebe.

14. My past was: wonderfulous!!

15. I get annoyed when: i'm feeling hot or having to study with a bad headache.

16. Parties are for: everyone.

17. My dog is: hopefully coming soon!!

18. My cat is: the fat cat that i sometimes feed at lionel's place.

19. Kisses are the best when: both parties are not sweaty?

20. Tomorrow: i'm gonna cut my hair.

21. I really want: to eat yu sheng and zuuchini now.

22. I have low tolerance for people who: shout at me.

23. I am tagging: the odac pple!!


Gaothebao said...

did you say you have a low tolerance for people WHO SHOUT AT YOU!!?!?!?!?!

reina said...

i cant hear u...... :p