Finally! still in my finance class now. but i'm finally finnaly done iwht both presentatios for the day. and i'm kinda pleased with the presentations. i mst admit that they are not great but i've managed to present without cue cards... hee.. (for those who were never in my class before, i'm really quiet in my classes and i hate presentations cuz i jus cant present. haha.. seriously.) but these 3 presentations were kinda great for me..
for now, my main concern would be pheebe. if i din mention, pheebe's left front paw has fungal infection and the right paw seems to be infected too.. so today, after this class, i'll be bringing pheebe to the vet again.. i really hope it wont take too long to recover.. it will definitely be a financial strain on me! and i'm not working, and i'm paying for everything and i dun even get much pocket money!! (to lionel: *GRINZ*) haha..
oh well, i'm also really excited abt tmr cuz 1) it's april fool's day and 2) i'm going for a one-0day expedition to malaysia with a few of the odac pple.. weee.. we're gonna go to 2 places. mt panti and perlepah waterfalls (lombong waterfalls)... yay!! fun fun...
ok.. back to my class presentations! (it's like the 13th presentation that i've sat thru today.. )
Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Week 13 = time of my life.
OMG.. there's so many things to do.. i cant believe it!! been sleeping like 5 hrs everyday! how is that possible? how am i expected to sleep so little and work so much or at least for so long hours? when will i faint? hahaha.. of cuz i wunt. it's ok i guess.
sometimes it's nice to have something to rush abt.. dun u think so? like sometimes we complain and complain abt having to go for meeting after meeting, preparing for one presentation after another. but then after it all, it feel s oh-so-'vandafulllll' (wonderful).. heee..
anyway. i was in sch till 12:30AM yest and in sch at 9am today.. haiz. time table for today: 9am to 330pm - prepare for BP presentation, 330pm till 645pm - BP preseantion (how last min can it get? haha.. we are preparing the slides jus before the class.. great!), 7pm till dunno what time.. prob late late at night - prepare for finance presentation which is on fri.. tell me then, how do i find the time to eat, sleep or talk (abt things other than work).. haiz..
and this is all really bad timing, pheebe's paw is infected with fungi.. brought it to the vet yest.. hmm.. will take some time to recover. in the meantime, pheebe and pherbe will have to sleep in separate cages. which is also good cuz pheebe is a little horny these days. haha. dunno why all of a sudden pheebe's hormones are raging.. but oh well.. hmm. have to bring pheebe to the vet on fri again.. there's so many things to do so i'm jus telling myself to focus on one thing at a time. this will keep me sane for now... :)
alright. back to BP. *cant wait!!* (btw, BP = Business Processes)
from my BP meeting yest.. it's so messy cuz i was the one who wrote it all. haha.. i drew a cute snail (whose name is snale) at the bottom but it's not int the picture. heee...
sometimes it's nice to have something to rush abt.. dun u think so? like sometimes we complain and complain abt having to go for meeting after meeting, preparing for one presentation after another. but then after it all, it feel s oh-so-'vandafulllll' (wonderful).. heee..
anyway. i was in sch till 12:30AM yest and in sch at 9am today.. haiz. time table for today: 9am to 330pm - prepare for BP presentation, 330pm till 645pm - BP preseantion (how last min can it get? haha.. we are preparing the slides jus before the class.. great!), 7pm till dunno what time.. prob late late at night - prepare for finance presentation which is on fri.. tell me then, how do i find the time to eat, sleep or talk (abt things other than work).. haiz..
and this is all really bad timing, pheebe's paw is infected with fungi.. brought it to the vet yest.. hmm.. will take some time to recover. in the meantime, pheebe and pherbe will have to sleep in separate cages. which is also good cuz pheebe is a little horny these days. haha. dunno why all of a sudden pheebe's hormones are raging.. but oh well.. hmm. have to bring pheebe to the vet on fri again.. there's so many things to do so i'm jus telling myself to focus on one thing at a time. this will keep me sane for now... :)
alright. back to BP. *cant wait!!* (btw, BP = Business Processes)

Monday, March 27, 2006
Laptop + Nothing to do = Quiz time!!
heee... yet another one.. i know.. i jus want a place to put the results la. haha..
You Are Right Brained In Love |
![]() Peacemaker, first to end a fight Good at thinking up creative dates Tend to fall in love and get hurt easily Going with your gut instead of your head Emphathetic and caring, sometimes to a fault Good at recognizing patterns in relationships Been in love many times, perhaps too many to count Wildly passionate and intense when falling in love Spontaneous with relationships, going with the flow Overly visual - can play back past dates like movies in your mind Roses, love poems, and stuffed animals are a good start to winning your heart |
Shu fen's 21st birthday parteeeeeeeee!!!!
and so i went for another birthday party over the weekend. saturday was syl's, sunday was shu fen's.
the theme for the party was summer rhapsody. so i decided to wear a bikini top, a tank top over that and shorts. cuz it was held at the pool anyway. (although i had no time to swim). anyway, before the party, i was in sch.. YES!! in school doing project on a sunny sunday afternoon. how sch. but it's life for a SMU student. hmm.. after that, i met the girls to shop for shu fen's present. i must apologise to shu fen for this cuz it was so so last minute. but we did shop for some hours.. and we did walk quite alot. hope u'll forgive us!! :)
shopping was fun. as usual. bikini shopping was the most fun. heee.. (oh, we got her a bikini. that's what she wanted...) it was so nice walking ard with the girls cuz we haven really done that before. at least not all together. usually when we do meet up, we'll jus be sitting ard, having dinner or coffee then catching up n taking photos.. yest was different and so so fun! (ok.. there's a bug here. this line is the only line in green. i dunno why but i caqnt change the colour of it.)
in the end, we got her a bag, a bikini and a card. yup! it was all good. when we got to her place, the food was there already and the first thing i saw was smoked salmon! yum..
this is the food! this photo doesn't do the food any justice .. the food is so much better.. better looking in real life... there's smoked salmon on biscuits.. then there's some ham with shrimp roll, there's potato with bacon bits n cream and mushroom with melted cheese.
and there's more!! some tarts with cream, cherry tomatoes.. and freshly squeezed watermelon juice.. oh oh.. did i mention that shu fen's bf did all the food.. like prepared everything by himself. how cool is that? he did at essential brew's kitchen.. (he and shu fen are like managers or owners of essential brew..the one at holland v.) yupz... it was all super duber yummy.
and of cuz.. he made the pretty cake too.. it's like an ice cream cake. i mean it is an ice cream cake. and in the middle, it's something like tiramisu.. yum.
this was taken at the hyatt toilet. we like to go there.. think since sec school cuz it's so clean! wee... and it was nice enough so we acted like tourists and took some photos.. luckily the sink din collapse or something.
this is all the pple that went yest. shu fen likes to celebrate her bday with diff groups of friends on different days. so yest was the scgs day.. but not everyone went.. and we were all supposed to bring our bfs.. but hm... everyone's so busy.. lionel was in sch.. so yup. but i had so much fun! (shu fen is the one is pink bikini and yellow skirt thingy. notice that only the bday girl and i are in bikini.. see cuz i was the only other one wearing bikini. i mean it's the theme what!! it's a pool party!! and the girls made me take my top off... a bunch of meanos!! and celine wasn't wearing a bikini la.. it's a nice bra!! hee)
i like this photo.. celine is so pretty here. of cuz right.. she's MISS SEVENTEEN 2006!!!
this is us. the girls. i LUUUURRRRVVVEEEEEE them.. hee.. it's so nice seeing them..
this is us at the bus stop waiting for joanne's bus.. heee. the one with the biggest head is layshan, followed by winnie, then joanne, then celine, then ME! heeeee...
another interesting thing...
this pigeon is real! and it's in my garden!! it's not the first time we had a nest in our garden. but this time, we can see the mother bird. weee...
ok.. this is from syl's party on sat. that's lionel n i walking into the party room. haha.. i look like a real sc girl? hmmm.. heee. i was so off. but fun. cuz of the theme...
these are the girls who went. the guys din really dress up.. so they din get a photo.. haha.. no la. but anyway, the girls all look so pretty... why did i wear uniform? haha... :p (btw, syl's the one holding the orange balloon. she looks cute!!)
the theme for the party was summer rhapsody. so i decided to wear a bikini top, a tank top over that and shorts. cuz it was held at the pool anyway. (although i had no time to swim). anyway, before the party, i was in sch.. YES!! in school doing project on a sunny sunday afternoon. how sch. but it's life for a SMU student. hmm.. after that, i met the girls to shop for shu fen's present. i must apologise to shu fen for this cuz it was so so last minute. but we did shop for some hours.. and we did walk quite alot. hope u'll forgive us!! :)
shopping was fun. as usual. bikini shopping was the most fun. heee.. (oh, we got her a bikini. that's what she wanted...) it was so nice walking ard with the girls cuz we haven really done that before. at least not all together. usually when we do meet up, we'll jus be sitting ard, having dinner or coffee then catching up n taking photos.. yest was different and so so fun! (ok.. there's a bug here. this line is the only line in green. i dunno why but i caqnt change the colour of it.)
in the end, we got her a bag, a bikini and a card. yup! it was all good. when we got to her place, the food was there already and the first thing i saw was smoked salmon! yum..

another interesting thing...

Saturday, March 25, 2006
my inspiration - sleep!
OMG!! i took a nap and when i woke up. i tot of a theme for my birthday!!!
.R.E.T.R.O. !!!!
i really hope no one will do that for their birthday while i'm goneee.... i would love to have a themed party!! did i mentioned that it will be like my first birthday party EVER?!?! it's a little scary. i'm a little worried. i mean if i keep putting pressure of it and expecting too much, and if it is a flop, i'll be so so so so super duper sad. hmmm.. but i think i will wanna try. heee... i mean i love to spend time with the sc girls. they always spend my birthday with me.. but i would love to try having a party.. to gather my friends n all.. weee..
ok ok.. other themes in mind:
0. retro.
1. something to do with candies. haha... yummy!
2. something to do with the colour greeen? (cuz it's my fave colour?)
3. something to do with bunnies? (haha. can u imagine the guys... wearing bunny suits.. OMG.. haha)
4. rainbow theme?
5. superheroes?
6. gothic? (my dad wunt like it very much)
weeeeeeee.. i cant wait. :)
.R.E.T.R.O. !!!!
i really hope no one will do that for their birthday while i'm goneee.... i would love to have a themed party!! did i mentioned that it will be like my first birthday party EVER?!?! it's a little scary. i'm a little worried. i mean if i keep putting pressure of it and expecting too much, and if it is a flop, i'll be so so so so super duper sad. hmmm.. but i think i will wanna try. heee... i mean i love to spend time with the sc girls. they always spend my birthday with me.. but i would love to try having a party.. to gather my friends n all.. weee..
ok ok.. other themes in mind:
0. retro.
1. something to do with candies. haha... yummy!
2. something to do with the colour greeen? (cuz it's my fave colour?)
3. something to do with bunnies? (haha. can u imagine the guys... wearing bunny suits.. OMG.. haha)
4. rainbow theme?
5. superheroes?
6. gothic? (my dad wunt like it very much)
weeeeeeee.. i cant wait. :)
kids party for syl!!
jus came home from syl's mcdonald's party!! it was pretty fun. since it was at mac's, the theme was kids. so me n lionel decided to wear our sch uniforms.. he wore his acs shirt and pe shorts... and i wore the sc uniform. hee. i hated to wear sc uniform la. sleeveless.. and the belt if forever so high. it's so uncomfortable!! and it's super warm. (ya, i know sleeveless is supposed to be more cooling right? but it's so not!!) and the worst thing abt it is when u are so warm and u start to perspire, u will have dark blue sweat rings under ur armpits and it's kinda obvious. dun believe me? go look at the scgs girls in their blue sexy uniform.. haha. but luckily we were in the air-con room so it's all gooood. haha.. :)
first of all, lionel n i were the only ones in uniform.. some of the rest dressed up too and they were really cute.. the girls are so much more spontaneous than the girls. out of all the guys, i think only lionel dressed up. 2 others wore super man shirt but that's about it. hee.
ok.. so we did the chicken dance. and the weird thing was we did that in scgs! and i was in the sc uniform. haha. and then after that we played "blow wind blow" heee.. both were really fun cuz everyone was doing it! yupz.
and of cuz we had the happy meals and the goodie bags and one pretty balloon.. i'm so jealous of syl cuz she got the fries pillow thing. :p oh well. and her very very expensive cake which cost 150 bucks i think. it was really cute. with strawberries dressed in tuxedo.. coooool huh.
oh well.. i had fun! there were so many smu pple. and so many sc girls. :) hmm.. i wonder what i will do for my 21st.
anyway, 2 things happened yest. actually 3, but one of them jus makes me pissed so i shall not talk abt it. let this be a happy entry! weee...
ok ok.. first up - yest i was on the bus. and u know u always meet the strangest pple on the bus? ya anyway, as usual, i walked to my fave spot: right at the end of the bus at the left side of the bus and sat next to the window... listened to my ipod. then there was this really big-sized indian guy who sqeezed between me and the guy who was sitting one seat away from me. this guy was way bigger than lam la.. but everything was fine at first and i started to doze off... but i was woken up cuz this indian dude was sleeping and he was swaying so much he kept bumping onto me. it was kinda painful since he was huge so i tapped him to wake him up. i kept tapping and he din wake up so i kinda hit him la. twice and he suddenly woke up and stood up, thinking i wanna get off the bus. haha. then i was like "no no.. i woke u up cuz u were sleeping and u kept knocking onto me!!" and i knew i shouldn't have said that cuz it was kinda crowded and everyone was like looking at him.. oops. but after that, he tried not to sleep. but he still did.. and he still knocked against me.. but he was super pai seh and kept apologising. haha! poor guy. even the other guy beside him moved away..
ok.. secondly, read this--> bigfoot sighting. damn funny la. dunno if it's real. we're like going for this trip on 1st april and cuz of this, we might not be able to go?!?! that's damn lame! haha.
* i wish i had pictures of the party jus now but i dun. shall put it up when i get it or something.
first of all, lionel n i were the only ones in uniform.. some of the rest dressed up too and they were really cute.. the girls are so much more spontaneous than the girls. out of all the guys, i think only lionel dressed up. 2 others wore super man shirt but that's about it. hee.
ok.. so we did the chicken dance. and the weird thing was we did that in scgs! and i was in the sc uniform. haha. and then after that we played "blow wind blow" heee.. both were really fun cuz everyone was doing it! yupz.
and of cuz we had the happy meals and the goodie bags and one pretty balloon.. i'm so jealous of syl cuz she got the fries pillow thing. :p oh well. and her very very expensive cake which cost 150 bucks i think. it was really cute. with strawberries dressed in tuxedo.. coooool huh.
oh well.. i had fun! there were so many smu pple. and so many sc girls. :) hmm.. i wonder what i will do for my 21st.
anyway, 2 things happened yest. actually 3, but one of them jus makes me pissed so i shall not talk abt it. let this be a happy entry! weee...
ok ok.. first up - yest i was on the bus. and u know u always meet the strangest pple on the bus? ya anyway, as usual, i walked to my fave spot: right at the end of the bus at the left side of the bus and sat next to the window... listened to my ipod. then there was this really big-sized indian guy who sqeezed between me and the guy who was sitting one seat away from me. this guy was way bigger than lam la.. but everything was fine at first and i started to doze off... but i was woken up cuz this indian dude was sleeping and he was swaying so much he kept bumping onto me. it was kinda painful since he was huge so i tapped him to wake him up. i kept tapping and he din wake up so i kinda hit him la. twice and he suddenly woke up and stood up, thinking i wanna get off the bus. haha. then i was like "no no.. i woke u up cuz u were sleeping and u kept knocking onto me!!" and i knew i shouldn't have said that cuz it was kinda crowded and everyone was like looking at him.. oops. but after that, he tried not to sleep. but he still did.. and he still knocked against me.. but he was super pai seh and kept apologising. haha! poor guy. even the other guy beside him moved away..
ok.. secondly, read this--> bigfoot sighting. damn funny la. dunno if it's real. we're like going for this trip on 1st april and cuz of this, we might not be able to go?!?! that's damn lame! haha.
* i wish i had pictures of the party jus now but i dun. shall put it up when i get it or something.
Friday, March 24, 2006
bunches of quizzzzes - part 2!
i know this is a little much.. but some of the quizzes are kinda fun.. and today i'm totally in a quiz mood. and plus class was full of presentations.. hmm.. and there's so many quizzes to choose from, i'm sure there's at least a couple that will appeal to u! so here goes...
weee.. ok.. no more!! (at least for now... i promise).. project time anyway.. :(
You Are Boyish Sexy |
![]() You're the kind of girl who gets along with all the boys Whether it's holding your own in a game of touch football... Or kicking some major butt while playing Xbox. You hang with the guys easily, while still keeping your girly sexiness. |
Men See You As Understated |
![]() You are an intreguing mix of girl and woman. You're feminine, quiet, and a total mystery to most men. Yet they often feel the urge to protect you, even if they don't know you. You *are* a flirt, but you usually only flirt with those you know well |
You Are Medium Maintenance |
![]() You aren't as hard to deal with as some girls But you aren't the most laid back chick either You're easy to deal with 90% of the time, but watch out for that 10%! If the guy you are with has good intentions, then calm down a little But if he's really screwing up, don't waste your breath - move on :-) |
You Are a Natural Beauty! |
![]() You're the kind of beauty that every guy dreams about... One that looks good in the morning - without a stich of makeup That's doesn't mean you're a total hippie chic though You have style, but for you, style is effortless |
You Are an Orange Rose |
![]() You represent desire and enthusiasm Your vibe: Sexy yet familiar Falling in love with you: happens instantly - it's a fast ride |
weee.. ok.. no more!! (at least for now... i promise).. project time anyway.. :(
bunches of quizzzzzes!
ok. i'm going a little crazy over these quizes.. after the coffee quiz, i was a little bored in class and i saw all the different, interesting quizes there are so i cant resist the temptation so i kinda did a few more. haha.
with bras, there should always be panties. heh.
damn. my bra and panty personality dun match. hmmm..
i'll be damn happy if this next one is true.. i love her!!
ok.. i think i did abt 20 quizzes in all.. i'm not kidding! but i was lazy to put it all up la.. hmm.. class is so boring and my nose keeps running.. today is definitely not a good study/ school day.. but then again.. when will there ever be a good sch day?
You Are a Flashy Red Bra! |
![]() Outgoing, friendly, and fascinating. You're a charmer, with your pick of the men. But you want a man who's as magnetic as you are. You need someone who can keep up with your all night gab fests! |
with bras, there should always be panties. heh.
You Are Basic Panties |
![]() You are a laid back chick with a real natural beauty. You can make unwashed hair and minimal make-up super sexy. Men tend to notice you show the "real you" - and they appreciate it. And while basic makes boring for some, it looks classic on you. |
damn. my bra and panty personality dun match. hmmm..
You're Part Diva |
![]() You know that a girl's gotta work it to get her way in the world. And while you aren't about to throw a tantrum at every turn... You do amp up the drama when you know you need it. You mix charm, honesty, and kindness to get ahead. |
i'll be damn happy if this next one is true.. i love her!!
You Are Most Like Heidi Klum |
![]() Girl next door vibe with top model looks |
You Are Most Like Carrie! |
![]() You're quirky, flirty, and every guy's perfect first date. But can the guy in question live up to your romantic ideal? It's tough for you to find the right match - you're more than a little picky. Never fear... You've got a great group of friends and a great closet of clothes, no matter what! Romantic prediction: You'll fall for someone this year... Totally different from any guy you've dated.(eh.. not all predictions are accurate ah... ) |
You Are Aphrodite! |
![]() A total shining star with a ton of admirers And no wonder: you live life to the fullest! When things get bad, you can easily take off to a happier place But occasionally, you need to deal with problems head on |
ok.. i think i did abt 20 quizzes in all.. i'm not kidding! but i was lazy to put it all up la.. hmm.. class is so boring and my nose keeps running.. today is definitely not a good study/ school day.. but then again.. when will there ever be a good sch day?
coffee personality test - sounds relevant to me!
finally what i need to know.. haha.. i mean i always drink coffee.. like everyday. now i know i'm a cappuccino. but it's funny cuz i wished i were a hazelnut latte, or perhaps a vanilla latte. i seldom even drink cappucino. hmmmmm.. i wanna be a more flavourful coffee!! :p
You Are a Cappuccino |
![]() You're fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new. However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like. You are a total girly girly at heart - and prefer your coffee with good conversation. You're the type that seems complex to outsiders, but in reality, you are easy to please |
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
comments for me!!
weee.. i managed to enable the comments thingy without anyone's help!! i'm proud of myself. haha. no like anyone else cares. oh well. at least that makes me happy and that's all that matters. HA!
anyway.. on a not-so-chirpy note, i read xiao hui's blog.. and she was talking abt how she will miss competing and her NUS canoe team n all. and i realized i missed that alot too. not that i'm in canoeing.. i mean i miss competing too. although the training always sucked cuz it's always damn tiring and time-consuming and what-not. but the adrenaline rush is something u wunt get from anything else. the satisfaction of winning the race or even completing the race will leave u speechless. the type of bonding u get from being in a team, from training week after week together, from going for trips together, from hanging out, from bitching, from competitions.. haiz...
things are so different now. we're all in different places in our lives now and it's so hard to meet up. even when expeditions are organised, only like less than half can make it. that's damn depressing. sometimes i really wanna go.. but i cant. and i'm sure i'm not the only one. i guess it's something we all hafta live with. all good things will come to an end. eventually.. right? hmm. i guess i guess.
perhaps, jus perhaps, after all the crazy competitions that we were forced to join in jc, we were all a little jaded. so after jc, we sorta allowed ourselves to drift away from odac.. and now, we all have such different lives, such different goals that it's hard to come together again. since we all have other committments now. hmm.
i figured there's always be a time in our lives where we have to part with our friends - primary school graduation, secondary school graduation, JC graduation.... it's jus so much harder to let go knowing that u were once part of a team.
anyway.. on a not-so-chirpy note, i read xiao hui's blog.. and she was talking abt how she will miss competing and her NUS canoe team n all. and i realized i missed that alot too. not that i'm in canoeing.. i mean i miss competing too. although the training always sucked cuz it's always damn tiring and time-consuming and what-not. but the adrenaline rush is something u wunt get from anything else. the satisfaction of winning the race or even completing the race will leave u speechless. the type of bonding u get from being in a team, from training week after week together, from going for trips together, from hanging out, from bitching, from competitions.. haiz...
things are so different now. we're all in different places in our lives now and it's so hard to meet up. even when expeditions are organised, only like less than half can make it. that's damn depressing. sometimes i really wanna go.. but i cant. and i'm sure i'm not the only one. i guess it's something we all hafta live with. all good things will come to an end. eventually.. right? hmm. i guess i guess.
perhaps, jus perhaps, after all the crazy competitions that we were forced to join in jc, we were all a little jaded. so after jc, we sorta allowed ourselves to drift away from odac.. and now, we all have such different lives, such different goals that it's hard to come together again. since we all have other committments now. hmm.
i figured there's always be a time in our lives where we have to part with our friends - primary school graduation, secondary school graduation, JC graduation.... it's jus so much harder to let go knowing that u were once part of a team.
Monday, March 20, 2006
Extreme makeover (blog edition)!!
haha.. i wasn't thinking of changing the blog skin initially. i was pretty happy with the brown one but i was looking through some skins and found some nice ones.. i think this one i'm using is kinda nice. really refreshing. and i love the whole combination..lime green, black and white. and there are like butterflies and flowers but yet, not overly girlie.. hee.. loves it!
i'm kinda proud of myself too cuz i managed to put in all the links by myself and changed some stuff with the headings and all. but as you would realize, there are so so so so many things that are so outta my capability. heh. like the title of the blog. i totally dunno how to change it so i guess "the other eden", whatever that means, will do.
AND the worse thing abt this skin now is that no one can post comments. and i've tried and lionel tried but we cant figure out how to do it. hmm.. maybe it's cuz it's nearly 3 in the morning. haha. anyway, if anyone is reading this and can help, pls pls pls msn me or something. (msn:!
other than these, i'm pretty satisfied with this skin. i shall stick with it for awhile. :)
for now, goodnight world.
i'm kinda proud of myself too cuz i managed to put in all the links by myself and changed some stuff with the headings and all. but as you would realize, there are so so so so many things that are so outta my capability. heh. like the title of the blog. i totally dunno how to change it so i guess "the other eden", whatever that means, will do.
AND the worse thing abt this skin now is that no one can post comments. and i've tried and lionel tried but we cant figure out how to do it. hmm.. maybe it's cuz it's nearly 3 in the morning. haha. anyway, if anyone is reading this and can help, pls pls pls msn me or something. (msn:!
other than these, i'm pretty satisfied with this skin. i shall stick with it for awhile. :)
for now, goodnight world.
Friday, March 17, 2006
happy stuff + sad stuff = neutral stuff?
went to planet fitness yest with eleanor. it was so fun. but i only had time to stay for one class. yest was madness cuz i was rushing for class, then rushing to buy a birthday present for my grandma, then to my fitness class then to my grandma's party... damn. anyway, so i managed to join the body pumps class. it's a class that works with weights. and it's kinda cool and fun. it's my first time joining this kinda thing. haha. usually i think it is a waste of money.. haha. but it's really fun. the instructor was funny, the music was good and the workout felt great. BUT the pple in the class were like any typical singaporean. they were super stressed for dunno what reason. they were all frowning n all. i mean com'on! it's after work and u paid good money and time to join the classs....!! oh well. some pple jus dunno how to relax. haha.. anyway, i really wanna try the bod combat class. it's like kickboxing. looks kinda fun. haha. i shall try it next week.
so after that, i went to my grandma's party and we had sakae sushi delivered to the house. it was gooooooood!! hee. yum. we had so much sushi and what-not. i had unagi rice, sashimi, sushi and agedashi tofu. there's still soft shell crab, handrolls, sushi platter and other dons (teriyaki chicken rice, tempura rice, beef rice, katsu don..... blah blah) hee.
that's my grandma. she looks happy! hee. and i know the cake looks weird cuz there's this cup thing on top. i have no idea why. haha. anyway the cake is from breadtalk. eh.. let's jus say it wasn't amazing. haha.
my grandma and the presents! haha. the photo is of all of us (my granny, my dad, my sis, sam, my bro, lionel n ME!) i chose that photo cuz i tot it's a happy photo and like everyone's natural n all. and lionel was taking the photo so i had to cut n paste his head into the picture. hehe! and the bunny! it's so cute. like 2 things that i love in 1. i love the pink bunny and i love it more in the tutu!! haha.. anyway, we chose kiddy presents for my grandma cuz she's like a kid now. drinks cola, eats sweets, pouts, throw tantrums and loves toys. so yupz.
this is lionel's first time at the carribean (aunt ros' place) so he was pretty amazed by alot of things. plus cuz aunt ros has so many nice stuff. haha.. yupz. but lionel was particularly amused by the tissue box. haha.. the tissue looks like mucus coming out from the nose. so ya.. cute la.
and of cuz, there's jet! he's so cute. and he loves his elmo and bunny stuff toy. haha. but the poor thing is sick.. has been sick for one week. getting better though. so it's all good. haha. and his medicine is actually grape flavoured. so cute. haha.
and lastly, i think it's great to report that pheebe and pherbe are happy together although in this picture, it seems like they jus had a fight or an argument cuz they are looking in different directions. haha. oh oh.. notice that pherbe is bigger already! and if u hold pherbe vertically, he's pear-shaped. haha. he has a small head and a big butt. haha.. damn funny..
haiz.. although everything seems happy.. i'm actually feeling a little sad cuz i'm supposed to be climbing mountains this weekend with odac. i really really really really wanted to go. my dad's not around, i have my passport with me, i have no immediate deadlines to meet and i can spare some cash plus lionel has generoulsy offered to sponsor my trip.. and it will be the first exped for me with the odac in 2 years i think and the only one i can go with them before i leave for US.. BUT obviously i din go. and why? cuz my dad din call back. i decided i cant jus go. i cant lie to him about this. this is a big thing. and because my sis din want me to go. she's worried i will get bird flu or like something happens to me and she cant account for it to dad. i mean i understand where she's coming from. but i really hoped i can jus go la. haiz. of cuz she will let me decide utimately but tell me how am i supposed to go when she doesn't want me to, when she's gonna be worried and what will happen if my dad calls when i'm not around looking for me? haiz.. so many questions and so many worries. so i decided not to go. so i went to send them off jus now. i was feeling really really sad. also cuz they're going berkelah falls, somewhere i haven been to and which is really nice. and i know it's unlikely that they will go again. :(
oh well, thank god lionel was there with me. he knew i was sad la.. so he accompanied me there to see them off, then let me shop a little to cheer me up (although i din buy anything cuz there's nothing nice at all.. and that made me feel sad too...) and then we went grocery shopping which cheered me up alot cuz i got to stock up on my sweets reserve. and then came home to watch tv with and lie around with the rabbits. that was really nice. :) :)
so after that, i went to my grandma's party and we had sakae sushi delivered to the house. it was gooooooood!! hee. yum. we had so much sushi and what-not. i had unagi rice, sashimi, sushi and agedashi tofu. there's still soft shell crab, handrolls, sushi platter and other dons (teriyaki chicken rice, tempura rice, beef rice, katsu don..... blah blah) hee.

haiz.. although everything seems happy.. i'm actually feeling a little sad cuz i'm supposed to be climbing mountains this weekend with odac. i really really really really wanted to go. my dad's not around, i have my passport with me, i have no immediate deadlines to meet and i can spare some cash plus lionel has generoulsy offered to sponsor my trip.. and it will be the first exped for me with the odac in 2 years i think and the only one i can go with them before i leave for US.. BUT obviously i din go. and why? cuz my dad din call back. i decided i cant jus go. i cant lie to him about this. this is a big thing. and because my sis din want me to go. she's worried i will get bird flu or like something happens to me and she cant account for it to dad. i mean i understand where she's coming from. but i really hoped i can jus go la. haiz. of cuz she will let me decide utimately but tell me how am i supposed to go when she doesn't want me to, when she's gonna be worried and what will happen if my dad calls when i'm not around looking for me? haiz.. so many questions and so many worries. so i decided not to go. so i went to send them off jus now. i was feeling really really sad. also cuz they're going berkelah falls, somewhere i haven been to and which is really nice. and i know it's unlikely that they will go again. :(
oh well, thank god lionel was there with me. he knew i was sad la.. so he accompanied me there to see them off, then let me shop a little to cheer me up (although i din buy anything cuz there's nothing nice at all.. and that made me feel sad too...) and then we went grocery shopping which cheered me up alot cuz i got to stock up on my sweets reserve. and then came home to watch tv with and lie around with the rabbits. that was really nice. :) :)
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I'm a lioness?

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Which Disney Heroine Are You?
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Sunday, March 12, 2006
our training, once a week for 4 weeks, did not go to waste afterall... my team came in 5th out of 40 teams!!
it's so cool because before the climb, we were predicting that we will at most get 20th position out of 40.. and OMG.. it's freaking OPEN category.. with all the zai pple. haha..
pre-climb photo.. looking happy and relaxed as we (once again) wear back our odac shirts. heee.. it's been almost 2 years since i wore that!
queuing up to go to the start line... hmm.. we were damn nervous at this point.. the number 127 is our queue number. btw, that's lek, me, eleanor, meng heng and sam (from left to right!)..
that's the time then. 12:08.. we were gonna start running at 12:10 i think. haha.. between each team, there's a 2 minute interval. heee... and we still have time to take photo.. haha!
here we go!! usually, pple will run to the stairs jus to look zai.. i think it's damn funny cuz when u reach the stairs, u will naturally slow down then start climbing.
anyway during the climb, we all managed to overtake pple which is kinda cool and really encouraging because as i said, there's a 2 min interval between teams.. so yupz.
i managed to overtake 2 girls. although i was damn tired, i felt kinda good. haha. and it really made me go that much further. but at the 40th storey i was gonna overtake this fat guy and he's such a bully.. he hogged the stairs and refused to let me cut him. such an ass. then what? in the end, he was only one sec in front of me.
at the top, it's amazing. there's a million photographers trying to snap pictures. and once again, it's a good feeling. haha... like some marathon runner coming in first or something and everyone wants to take a picture of her.. haha.. right. i'm imagining things and crappy.
this is after the climb.. we all look so fresh still.. but actually we were damn shagged. i must say we all did well..
posing with our medals and the hamper that is full of drinks!!
i'm feeling really happy now.. think the feeling of getting a prize for our hard work is finally sinking in.. and of all the stuff that i ever joined, this is my first medal. i usually only get trophies if anything at all.. haha..
met my primary sch friend.. u might recongnize her from her marathon runs n all.. she's always getting top 3 at least for her competitions and today was no exception. she took part in individual women's category and she came in first! she took only 7:02 mins to climb 43 storeys! i'll never be able to do that!! haha..
haiz. i realize that i really miss the odac pple. although they always make fun of me. i believe and i know that it's all in good fun. i miss training every twice a week.. doing crazy stunts and runs and trekking and going for expeditions and chilling and complaining that training is mad.. and i'm tired and all that.. and it feels great to be joining this with them! i miss not being able to sleep at night cuz i'm worried abt the competition the next day. i wanna feel the adrenaline rush! i wanna do more things together again.. they're going to berkelah soon and i cant go cuz of schoolwork.. haiz. it's always like that!! booo....
oh well. at least we have one month free membership from planet fitness (cuz of NVM 2006) so i guess we can all join the fitness class tog.. at least for one more month.... :)
and i shld add that although lionel was not there physically and was sleeping at the time i was climbing, he was really supportive throughout my training. been enduring with all my complains n whines and wishing me luck and all the hugs and msgs.. thankew! heee..
it's so cool because before the climb, we were predicting that we will at most get 20th position out of 40.. and OMG.. it's freaking OPEN category.. with all the zai pple. haha..

anyway during the climb, we all managed to overtake pple which is kinda cool and really encouraging because as i said, there's a 2 min interval between teams.. so yupz.
i managed to overtake 2 girls. although i was damn tired, i felt kinda good. haha. and it really made me go that much further. but at the 40th storey i was gonna overtake this fat guy and he's such a bully.. he hogged the stairs and refused to let me cut him. such an ass. then what? in the end, he was only one sec in front of me.
at the top, it's amazing. there's a million photographers trying to snap pictures. and once again, it's a good feeling. haha... like some marathon runner coming in first or something and everyone wants to take a picture of her.. haha.. right. i'm imagining things and crappy.

i'm feeling really happy now.. think the feeling of getting a prize for our hard work is finally sinking in.. and of all the stuff that i ever joined, this is my first medal. i usually only get trophies if anything at all.. haha..

haiz. i realize that i really miss the odac pple. although they always make fun of me. i believe and i know that it's all in good fun. i miss training every twice a week.. doing crazy stunts and runs and trekking and going for expeditions and chilling and complaining that training is mad.. and i'm tired and all that.. and it feels great to be joining this with them! i miss not being able to sleep at night cuz i'm worried abt the competition the next day. i wanna feel the adrenaline rush! i wanna do more things together again.. they're going to berkelah soon and i cant go cuz of schoolwork.. haiz. it's always like that!! booo....
oh well. at least we have one month free membership from planet fitness (cuz of NVM 2006) so i guess we can all join the fitness class tog.. at least for one more month.... :)
and i shld add that although lionel was not there physically and was sleeping at the time i was climbing, he was really supportive throughout my training. been enduring with all my complains n whines and wishing me luck and all the hugs and msgs.. thankew! heee..
Saturday, March 11, 2006
NVM training.
i cant believe that tmr's the day of national vertical marathon!! we've only been training for 4 weeks, once a week. that's not enough..!! now, all i can do is wait for tmr to come. hmm. actually i shouln't be feeling stressful. we're not really competing la. it's all for fun. i mean we're in the open team category and it's the worst category i feel cuz there's so many fit pple ard who will join. hmm. anyway. i'm going mad. haha. i dunno why i am feeling nervous already.. hee.
Friday, March 10, 2006
pre-departure US blues :(
going to US soon. sooner that i want to. i really cant believe that i'm gonna be gone for so long. gonna leave on 25 april 2006 till 18 august. that's damn long. that's 4 months long.
i'm gonna miss this place. gonna miss my friends. gonna miss just being around and complaining that there's nothing to do. gonna miss going to orchard. gonna miss the yu sheng at tiong bahru. and of cuz i will miss my family, including my 2 cute rabbits at home. haiz.
i know this whole US thing is really exciting. going to work for 3 months and travel for almost a month. that's huge. at least for me. but what if i dun enjoy myself at all? what if there's a bombing? AHHHH... haha.
i can only hope that everything will be ok. pple live with questions all the time. dun they?
i'm gonna miss this place. gonna miss my friends. gonna miss just being around and complaining that there's nothing to do. gonna miss going to orchard. gonna miss the yu sheng at tiong bahru. and of cuz i will miss my family, including my 2 cute rabbits at home. haiz.
i know this whole US thing is really exciting. going to work for 3 months and travel for almost a month. that's huge. at least for me. but what if i dun enjoy myself at all? what if there's a bombing? AHHHH... haha.
i can only hope that everything will be ok. pple live with questions all the time. dun they?
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
random funny pictures.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
brokeback mountain
i watched "dirty dancing" again!! i love it!! i almost forgot why i fell in love with the show till i watched it last night.. it's one of the best movies EVER!! and the last dance is so so so so amazing. i wished i could dance like that. damn.... haha.
anyway, yest was a happy day cuz i finally got pheebe and pherbe to share a cage!
notice the difference in size! HAAAAA... pheebe is the brown rabbit. (6mths old). pherbe is the new /smaller rabbit. (2mths old) .
this photo looks a little *ahem* humppish and gay.. but no. pheebe is not humping pherbe. it's jus eating. it doesn't really care abt pherbe. and pherbe LOVES to be squashed by pheebe. oh well...
and since i changed the bedding yest and washed the cages, i tot i'll wash them too!

he looks like a silky terrier with a rabbit's head in the first photo! cuz thr fur looks so smooth and all with the water. haha.. he's so damn cute!!
in the second photo, notice i'm holding him horizontally with one hand! haha.. look carefully at the background n u will see the shampoo and the toilet floor. HAHA! i love how he din move and jus allowed me to wash his paw. :)

and pheebe. he's like an alien. this was not taken yest actually but i jus tot i'll put it in. heh! look at his ears.. and his head looks bigger then his body. haha! i love pheebe.. he's such a handsome alieny rabbit.. :)
anyway, yest was a happy day cuz i finally got pheebe and pherbe to share a cage!

and since i changed the bedding yest and washed the cages, i tot i'll wash them too!

he looks like a silky terrier with a rabbit's head in the first photo! cuz thr fur looks so smooth and all with the water. haha.. he's so damn cute!!
in the second photo, notice i'm holding him horizontally with one hand! haha.. look carefully at the background n u will see the shampoo and the toilet floor. HAHA! i love how he din move and jus allowed me to wash his paw. :)

and pheebe. he's like an alien. this was not taken yest actually but i jus tot i'll put it in. heh! look at his ears.. and his head looks bigger then his body. haha! i love pheebe.. he's such a handsome alieny rabbit.. :)
Thursday, March 02, 2006
bad hair status :(
i shoulda, gotta, hafta do something abt my hair...
i seriously have no idea what to do with it. i took the longest time to finally decide to try letting my hair grow longer than my shoulders.. but now, i dunno what to do with it other than tie it up. i cant let it down cuz it curls both ways (the left side curves to the left and the right side curves to the right) so i look damn comical if i let it down. but when it's nice, it's a little wavy.. (big waves. the nicer kind) at the bottom... i kinda like it like that when it's good hair day. but... normally, it's jus really messy!
AND, i dunno what to do with my fringe when i tie it up.. dunno whether to clip it or let it down n be irritated with it. hmmm.. and i have baby fringe! argh.
so.. i'm thinking i'll either straighten it, have it a little curly/wavy, or jus leave it. hmmm............
i seriously have no idea what to do with it. i took the longest time to finally decide to try letting my hair grow longer than my shoulders.. but now, i dunno what to do with it other than tie it up. i cant let it down cuz it curls both ways (the left side curves to the left and the right side curves to the right) so i look damn comical if i let it down. but when it's nice, it's a little wavy.. (big waves. the nicer kind) at the bottom... i kinda like it like that when it's good hair day. but... normally, it's jus really messy!
AND, i dunno what to do with my fringe when i tie it up.. dunno whether to clip it or let it down n be irritated with it. hmmm.. and i have baby fringe! argh.
so.. i'm thinking i'll either straighten it, have it a little curly/wavy, or jus leave it. hmmm............
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