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happy stuff + sad stuff = neutral stuff?
went to planet fitness yest with eleanor. it was so fun. but i only had time to stay for one class. yest was madness cuz i was rushing for class, then rushing to buy a birthday present for my grandma, then to my fitness class then to my grandma's party... damn. anyway, so i managed to join the body pumps class. it's a class that works with weights. and it's kinda cool and fun. it's my first time joining this kinda thing. haha. usually i think it is a waste of money.. haha. but it's really fun. the instructor was funny, the music was good and the workout felt great. BUT the pple in the class were like any typical singaporean. they were super stressed for dunno what reason. they were all frowning n all. i mean com'on! it's after work and u paid good money and time to join the classs....!! oh well. some pple jus dunno how to relax. haha.. anyway, i really wanna try the bod combat class. it's like kickboxing. looks kinda fun. haha. i shall try it next week.
so after that, i went to my grandma's party and we had sakae sushi delivered to the house. it was gooooooood!! hee. yum. we had so much sushi and what-not. i had unagi rice, sashimi, sushi and agedashi tofu. there's still soft shell crab, handrolls, sushi platter and other dons (teriyaki chicken rice, tempura rice, beef rice, katsu don..... blah blah) hee.
that's my grandma. she looks happy! hee. and i know the cake looks weird cuz there's this cup thing on top. i have no idea why. haha. anyway the cake is from breadtalk. eh.. let's jus say it wasn't amazing. haha.
my grandma and the presents! haha. the photo is of all of us (my granny, my dad, my sis, sam, my bro, lionel n ME!) i chose that photo cuz i tot it's a happy photo and like everyone's natural n all. and lionel was taking the photo so i had to cut n paste his head into the picture. hehe! and the bunny! it's so cute. like 2 things that i love in 1. i love the pink bunny and i love it more in the tutu!! haha.. anyway, we chose kiddy presents for my grandma cuz she's like a kid now. drinks cola, eats sweets, pouts, throw tantrums and loves toys. so yupz.
this is lionel's first time at the carribean (aunt ros' place) so he was pretty amazed by alot of things. plus cuz aunt ros has so many nice stuff. haha.. yupz. but lionel was particularly amused by the tissue box. haha.. the tissue looks like mucus coming out from the nose. so ya.. cute la.
and of cuz, there's jet! he's so cute. and he loves his elmo and bunny stuff toy. haha. but the poor thing is sick.. has been sick for one week. getting better though. so it's all good. haha. and his medicine is actually grape flavoured. so cute. haha.
and lastly, i think it's great to report that pheebe and pherbe are happy together although in this picture, it seems like they jus had a fight or an argument cuz they are looking in different directions. haha. oh oh.. notice that pherbe is bigger already! and if u hold pherbe vertically, he's pear-shaped. haha. he has a small head and a big butt. haha.. damn funny..
haiz.. although everything seems happy.. i'm actually feeling a little sad cuz i'm supposed to be climbing mountains this weekend with odac. i really really really really wanted to go. my dad's not around, i have my passport with me, i have no immediate deadlines to meet and i can spare some cash plus lionel has generoulsy offered to sponsor my trip.. and it will be the first exped for me with the odac in 2 years i think and the only one i can go with them before i leave for US.. BUT obviously i din go. and why? cuz my dad din call back. i decided i cant jus go. i cant lie to him about this. this is a big thing. and because my sis din want me to go. she's worried i will get bird flu or like something happens to me and she cant account for it to dad. i mean i understand where she's coming from. but i really hoped i can jus go la. haiz. of cuz she will let me decide utimately but tell me how am i supposed to go when she doesn't want me to, when she's gonna be worried and what will happen if my dad calls when i'm not around looking for me? haiz.. so many questions and so many worries. so i decided not to go. so i went to send them off jus now. i was feeling really really sad. also cuz they're going berkelah falls, somewhere i haven been to and which is really nice. and i know it's unlikely that they will go again. :(
oh well, thank god lionel was there with me. he knew i was sad la.. so he accompanied me there to see them off, then let me shop a little to cheer me up (although i din buy anything cuz there's nothing nice at all.. and that made me feel sad too...) and then we went grocery shopping which cheered me up alot cuz i got to stock up on my sweets reserve. and then came home to watch tv with and lie around with the rabbits. that was really nice. :) :)
Don't be sad...we'll go to the Grand Canyon when we're in the US ok?=)
i know. but it's different!! nvm.
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