and so i went for another birthday party over the weekend. saturday was syl's, sunday was shu fen's.the theme for the party was summer rhapsody. so i decided to wear a bikini top, a tank top over that and shorts. cuz it was held at the pool anyway. (although i had no time to swim). anyway, before the party, i was in sch.. YES!! in school doing project on a sunny sunday afternoon. how sch. but it's life for a SMU student. hmm.. after that, i met the girls to shop for shu fen's present. i must apologise to shu fen for this cuz it was so so last minute. but we did shop for some hours.. and we did walk quite alot. hope u'll forgive us!! :)shopping was fun. as usual. bikini shopping was the most fun. heee.. (oh, we got her a bikini. that's what she wanted...) it was so nice walking ard with the girls cuz we haven really done that before. at least not all together. usually when we do meet up, we'll jus be sitting ard, having dinner or coffee then catching up n taking photos.. yest was different and so so fun!
(ok.. there's a bug here. this line is the only line in green. i dunno why but i caqnt change the colour of it.)in the end, we got her a bag, a bikini and a card. yup! it was all good. when we got to her place, the food was there already and the first thing i saw was smoked salmon! yum..
this is the food! this photo doesn't do the food any justice .. the food is so much better.. better looking in real life... there's smoked salmon on biscuits.. then there's some ham with shrimp roll, there's potato with bacon bits n cream and mushroom with melted cheese.
and there's more!! some tarts with cream, cherry tomatoes.. and freshly squeezed watermelon juice.. oh oh.. did i mention that shu fen's bf did all the food.. like prepared everything by himself. how cool is that? he did at essential brew's kitchen.. (he and shu fen are like managers or owners of essential brew..the one at holland v.) yupz... it was all super duber yummy.
and of cuz.. he made the pretty cake too.. it's like an ice cream cake. i mean it is an ice cream cake. and in the middle, it's something like tiramisu.. yum.
this was taken at the hyatt toilet. we like to go there.. think since sec school cuz it's so clean! wee... and it was nice enough so we acted like tourists and took some photos.. luckily the sink din collapse or something.
this is all the pple that went yest. shu fen likes to celebrate her bday with diff groups of friends on different days. so yest was the scgs day.. but not everyone went.. and we were all supposed to bring our bfs.. but hm... everyone's so busy.. lionel was in sch.. so yup. but i had so much fun! (shu fen is the one is pink bikini and yellow skirt thingy. notice that only the bday girl and i are in bikini.. see cuz i was the only other one wearing bikini. i mean it's the theme what!! it's a pool party!! and the girls made me take my top off... a bunch of meanos!! and celine wasn't wearing a bikini la.. it's a nice bra!! hee)
i like this photo.. celine is so pretty here. of cuz right.. she's MISS SEVENTEEN 2006!!!
this is us. the girls. i LUUUURRRRVVVEEEEEE them.. hee.. it's so nice seeing them..
this is us at the bus stop waiting for joanne's bus.. heee. the one with the biggest head is layshan, followed by winnie, then joanne, then celine, then ME! heeeee...another interesting thing...
this pigeon is real! and it's in my garden!! it's not the first time we had a nest in our garden. but this time, we can see the mother bird. weee...
ok.. this is from syl's party on sat. that's lionel n i walking into the party room. haha.. i look like a real sc girl? hmmm.. heee. i was so off. but fun. cuz of the theme...
these are the girls who went. the guys din really dress up.. so they din get a photo.. haha.. no la. but anyway, the girls all look so pretty... why did i wear uniform? haha... :p (btw, syl's the one holding the orange balloon. she looks cute!!)
hey I see Val in the last pic! Anyway, you're sporting...that's good! Next time I throw a theme party I know I can count on you. Birthdays are fun. You guys didn't saboh the birthday girl or anything eh? haha so peaceful.
cool u know val? hee..i dun really know her.. but i do see her ard in sch.. anyway, we wanted to throw the girl into the pool since she was in her bikini and all already but her mom was there la. so were alot of other pple who were having other parties. and her mom wasn't too pleased that we made her changed into her bikini and parade around at night. haha... :p
:) thanks for coming!!! :)
and for dressing up! i can't believe you can still fit into your old sch uniform, because most of us cant!
haha.. dun u think my uniform looks new? haha.. i used to make my uniform like at least once a year cuz i like the uniform auntie so much. haha. (she passed away recently.) anyway.. ya.. so i have so many uniforms.. and i usually make them much bigger cuz it's so uncomfortable to wear the sc uniform is it fits well.. i cant sit properly if the uniform is too small.. so of cuz i can fit it now!! :):)
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